Childhood memory
Monday, May 05, 2008
For no particular reason I remembered my favorite childhood cartoon the other day.
Here are 7 important steps that need to be considered before watching it (Mandatory!):
  1. Be way to close to the television set (I don't have one anymore and am looking at in on my PC)
  2. Your grandfather in the background, he will share more war stories with you after the show (RIP)
  3. You must sit on the floor, it's made out of wooden shiny panels, great for sliding and playing with a little toy dog named Bello. He can bark and walk on his own! (The house is sold)
  4. The sun must be shining and you ought to be wet and exhausted from having another go in the swimming pool
  5. The house your sitting in is covered in memorabilia from southern Germany, Bayern. With leather trousers and the rest of the national costumes within reach.
  6. You are in Hanover, northern Germany (I'm in the wrong location, Stockholm)
  7. And finally but maybe the most impotent one, be about 5 years old. (I'm 25 and still loving it)


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On Monday, May 5, 2008 at 5:57:00 PM GMT+2 , Mini said...

Nog har din musiksmak ändrats något de senaste 20 åren! Men jätte kul att höra det igen! Tusen kramar!!

On Monday, May 12, 2008 at 1:04:00 AM GMT+2 , Leo said...

Heidi är ju jättefin! Och visuellt sett intressant nära animeestetiken, som då var mycket sällsynt i europa.