Newest member of the Working class
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Never had a real full time job before. Not a proper one that isn't only during the summer. All of the sudden everything changes. And having two jobs, well... it might be just a bit to much. So I've decided to quit Guiding even though I kinda liked it I just don't have the energy for a 6 2/1 day week. 5 days (and all my projects) is quite enough, thank you. I guess it will take some time until I get used to all of this. I'm still wondering what "normal" people do or rather - how they do what they do.

Now for the confusing thing of joining the union... And picking a union too!

Heart: I'm cured. Tell you more about it later. But for now, the spell is broken and I'm free once more. Finally. With a calm warm feeling in my tummy.

Picture: SAC - the union I'm thinking of joining.
Soundtrack: Green Day - Working class hero
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On Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 1:51:00 PM GMT+1 , Mini said...

Hoffe, dass du nun wieder glücklich bist. Eller iaf inte olyckligt kär längre.

On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 9:40:00 PM GMT+1 , Anonymous said...
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On Friday, April 30, 2010 at 8:53:00 AM GMT+2 , Unknown said...

Ha. Det är ju vårt syndikat och banderoll på bilden.
"All your means of productions are belong to us."