Soundtrack: Romeo and Juliet Op. 64, Act I: Introduction Spotify, I know but that's my soundtrack for the night.
Pictures: of me straitly after my tattoo finally was all done. Or I hope it is!!
Heart: Uhm, the "leap of faith" thing seemed to work? Or did it? No idea. However, I was brave enough to admit stuff. Good on ya.
Now: Sleep deprived, writing and packing up while my laundry was nicknacked by the evil time look and preparing myself for Prolog this weekend (tomorrow morning). A Swedish Larp convention. Yay! And I'm extremely nervous - organising one of the events, I'm writing a larp. Woah. "Christmas - 01" (2001) was my first and last one so I thought to myself, its about time. Behold. "Past. Present. Future." Here I come!
(Prolog -
ps. you're on my mind. ds.