From Thailand to Morocco
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I flew in from Thailand and Ninjad Stockholm for 3 nights, one longer then I'd planned but with the time difference I totally lost track of when and where I would be at any given time. I left Bangkok on the 31 of March at 1 am and arrive 12 hours later on the 31 of March at 7 am, in my head I wasn't gonna be in Stockholm until the 1 of April. This I only realized on the airport at the gate before boarding the plane and throw some sort of miracle I found a free internet portal and was able to tell Cat that I was gonna come a day earlier, in fact "I'll see you in about 16 hours!!". After waiting for as long as we have it was a, to say the least, weird feeling. Anticipation.

The first thing I did when I got of the plane was to fight the system, fucking Sweden! Everything is dead expensive, ok not like in Norway where they actually got a commercial for coffee that says "expensive - cause you know it's better" but I just thought it should be "Norway - expensive, cause we know you have to pay". The point is that it was fucking (excuse the French) expensive to get from the airport to the city. After a few sour comments and the initial chock of freezing temperatures I called Kazai and made it very clear to him that he was living in a shit country - cold in both heart and climate. What the fuck are you up to, boy? He, startled of my honesty and of me being a day early, caved and admitted that "yes, you're in the wrong country for warmth - but oh, I love you girl"!

Finally the hour had come, where was Cat? Misunderstanding where we were suppose to meet but then... Love. "Oh, I've missed you so much!" With a nervous hug and a kiss on the cheek we made our way into cold Stockholm and I wondered how we were gonna find our way back to each other. With the up 'n coming trip to Morocco we concentrated on getting Cat ready for leaving the country and meet for the first time - for real - when we got back to the airport and made our way to warmer climates. Where I said, "Hi, Cat!" outside of Aralanda and throw my arms around hen while not being able to hold back my emotions with a passionate kiss. But Cat was startled and I got scared, might it only been me longing for this?

At the airport in Stockholm before leaving for Morocco.

We left Stockholm on the 2 of April for one night in Paris, this was in my head suppose to be the romantic beginning of our reunion. Seeing the Eiffel tower maybe? But the trains had quite for the night and the buses were few and hard to find. After a while I understood that all the beautiful and lovely French people I meet under my travels were in exile, this was a harsh and unfriendly place. We made our way into the city but had no way of getting to the Eiffel tower, found some food and a lot of homeless people instead before making our way back to the airport for a good night's concrete-floor-sleep.

Sitting on the bus back to the airport,
I was trying to sleep and Cat had fun with the camera.
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On Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 1:35:00 PM GMT+2 , Ola said...

Its good that you are back. We need more people that have the guts to say "Fuck you"

On Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 2:14:00 PM GMT+2 , isobelll said...

Haha, well I'm glad to be one of those people even though its a hard job.