I told you, didn't I?
Friday, September 05, 2008
Why can't people live in the moment? Why can't everyone be a relationship anarchist? Why does everything have to be so serious, either everything or nothing? I can't change into a standard "one on one" relationship, can't promise I'd be "faithful" as the "normal" people would express it. I'm faithful in the true, or for me true, sense of the word. I don't forget people just because I'm hanging out with someone new, I love more then one cause every relationship is unique. Every friendship, everyone you care about their all unique and beautiful. What's the fucking thing with monogamy and ownership? I've tried so many times and I just can't do the hole "I'll be yours forever and wont feel like I'm in a prison"-thing. Its not that I want to sleep around I just cant handle the fact that someone has the power to say that I couldn't. So I had a fight with a dear friend of mine about that today. Hey, I've been honest from the beginning. And its not about the person I talked of in the last post.

Anyhow, of to a pirate party now and hoping that will take my mind of thing.

Music tips: Nine inch nails - home
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On Friday, September 5, 2008 at 2:46:00 PM GMT+2 , Leo said...

Sad news, indeed. I hope things will clear up so that you can focus on the valueable parts of your interaction and on trust, rather than rules and regulations.

Sadly, my experience is that it can be tricky to sort out these things, when the issue is a difference in values (and perhaps the lack of understanding that you can value things in more ways than one).

It always astounds me when people don't seem to see that:

1) No rules can stop anyone from feeling unsecure

2) No rules stops anyone from leaving a relationship or secretly have other 'exclusive' relationships at the same time

3) Inventing restrictions for lovers and friends so that they only are allowed to interact lovingly with you, is a sure-fire way to lose someone to the other side. (It's also not a very loving thing to do to someone you really dig.) Instead, giving freedom is actually a better way to retain friends and lovers - they will have no reason to jump the fence (as there is none, rather pointless then, eh?).

I hope that this issue will solve itself and turn out to the best. Love and compersion.

On Friday, September 5, 2008 at 6:14:00 PM GMT+2 , Mini said...

Ach Töchterchen, das tut mir so Leid, wenn ich höre, dass du so viel Mist um die Ohren hast!

Ich nehme dich jetzt ganz dolle in den Arm, spürst du das?