I've finally listened to this really interesting debate on Relationship Anarchy (in Swedish) today. Calm, happy and feeling reassured. Its not the easiest way of life but definitely the best for me. More info as usual on http://andie.se . I want a natural flow in my relationships and its not about sex at all. As Jon pointed out in the debate, monogram relationships are all about telling the world who you are having sex with, even the government wants to know. And frankly, I don't want to tell them who the hell I'm gonna sleep with for the rest of my life or tell all of my friends & family when I stopped (get a divorce or split up). It is a matter of privacy, a matter of intimacy and trust. Respect. And the answer is no, its not about sex. Not at all, its about not putting a label on your relationships. Hmm, one of these days I need to find a good English translation so that you all who can't understand Swedish will know what its all about.
BTW, My mum just called me! =) Thanks darling, love to hear your voice and hope that your feeling better soon. I'm sitting under your sweeter!
Had an interesting debate about world peace, politics, the green way of living and everything in between yesterday and ones again I realize that I'm pretty naive. Not everyone feels that the most important thing is to "save the world". I'm always baffled when I meet people that don't want to know why shit is as is is, why the world acts as it does. Well, what can I say more then I'm pretty naive. And no, I can't save the world. I'm not pretending to. But the thing that gets me up in the morning is that if everyone at least take one step towards a better world then we are halfway there. But hey, who am I fooling? We can't "save" anything any more. Just hope for the best, get the money-loving people out of the government (for example Bush) and be sure to turn the lights off. Even though I can't get myself to believe that, I need to have a little hippie-green-artsy fairy deep inside, tucked away, whispering in my ear that we're on the right track. Keep on fighting?
Still got no clue what I'm gonna do next year but I'll guess its like my wise mother said, it will all come to me in time. And it looks like I might be able to work here for the summer. Fucked if I know what country I'll be in next year. But I don't feel like I'm done with NZ, the adventure has just begone.
Pic is from my new piercing, its one of the small rings in the middle of the ear. And yes, even though I was really brave and all it hurt like hell. Fuck, your going through bone like skin up there. But its all worth it and I, of course, want even more!
And before I forget, we are all friends again. (Read the last post.)
Todays music is a cute song about, you guessed it - Love, that my mum sent me.
The world can not be saved. In the mind of the savior, there will always be things left in need of saving. There is no end to that.
To the cynic, the disillusioned and the oblivious, there is nothing to save.
So what you do do in the act of saving the world is not to save it - that struggle will, hopefully, never end. What you do is to save yourself. Every day you save a world and therefore save yourself and others around you. As long as you keep doing that, you will succeed, every day.
Oh, and nice piercing! It really complements the previous ones.