I'm trying to listen to all the advice; "Its better to have love and lost the never have loved at all", "Go for it girl!", "Just enjoy falling", "Don't give in to your fear.", "its already to late - look at yourself! You've already fallen for fucks sake, sis'!"
But the one advice that actually made me think twice and I to really appreciate everyone's - pretty please don't get me wrong. Maybe cause it just hit the right spot, while looking at my small Buddha statue and having the urge to meditate it got me to think strait for a second or two. And I quote;
This is precisely about your bubbles, here and now. Fear and denial are the distractions that keep you from allowing yourself to be crazy and irrational (or rationally insane?) and go along with where those dangerous feelings are taking you. This is long past "do or do not". You are already committed to action. Make that action count! THAT is where your zen is.
And when, occasionally, the world throws you flat on the ass, then your zen shall be to land."
Gosh! Thank you!
And TCDG (The Cute Danish Guy) just added (the comments are from FB under my status feed: is scared of that thing called "falling in love" and wont admit to anyone/herself that its happening. Can anyone please hit the "Stop button"??)
"What is love? If love was to be controlled? What is love? If love was without complications? What is love?
If love was anything else then the anarchistic feeling it is?!"
And thank you all for listening to my never ending babble mouth, whining, fearing, bubbling. Love ya' all!
But what made me finally admit that its already way to late for turning back was hearing the person say that they had the same bubbles about me. So I finally admit, I've fallen. And I'm scared to death. Can't handle having someone else have that effect on me, letting anyone be that important, losing control.
Picture: While I was in Thailand earlier this year, checking out every temple I could possibly find and have the energy/time to explore. Now little pictures of Buddha's and a small statue gets me to remember to slow down and find my "wise mind".
Embarrassingly long soundtrack on open display:
(links from spotify, my new friend in the glory of free internet while I'm hating the ipred law)
Extreme - More then words
Simply Red - Stars
Blink 182 - Miss you
Mint Royale - The effect on me
Lars Winnerbäck - Du får mig
And the list goes on and on... Good thing I remembered turning off last fm scrobbler, or did I??