My first night out, on Friday, was so strange and it almost got me killed! I think I'll have to be more careful in the future. What the hell happened?

We started out at Britain's place, a few of her old friends came by and we walked from place to place picking people up. In “town” there actually are some bars and we found a dance floor, yay me! The music was quite good too. Me and Britain ran out on the floor, just having fun. After a while this chick (yeah, they call us girls that down here) came on to me. She was real cute so I didn't mind. After dancing for a while, getting closer and closer we (of course, you should know me by now) kissed and all of the sudden someone grabbed a hold of my hair and throw me down backwards on the floor so I hit my head real hard. Then I saw the foot coming for me and I rolled out of there, if it would had hit me I'd probably be in a hospital. WTF?

It turns out that she was her sister and real over protective. I've found somewhat of a queer “club” around here, pretty underground but I think I'll call them instead of ever having fun on the dance floor in this time with a girl again. Gah!

The rest of the weekend I spent with a new friend of mine, Spikey. He's real sweet and we watched heap's of movies. And I'm slowly getting used to the cold, now it's bearable any way and a bit warmer too. Three of them were horrors! But it was pretty okay though, I'm sitting in the dark typing this now and am not that afraid. Maybe I'm finally handling my fear of the dark.

We stayed up late last night talking and I realized that I'm happy now, I am where I want to be. Studding art, meeting new people, living in a different country, properly travel some, on my own (Relationship Anarchy), handling things and that feels so good. The real problem right now is that I miss you all back in Sweden so much (and Germany too). Longing to hug you all or just to see you, spend time and be able to touch you would be enough.

School is going good, I love the art teachers. They are so motivating but there is, just as it should be, a lot to do. And it freaks me out that we are getting graded on our art. How can you grade art?

This weekends movies:
The Labyrinth
The Others
The Locals
White Noise

Song of the week: Explosions in the Sky – Have you passed through this night?

This entry was posted on Monday, July 21, 2008 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


On Monday, July 21, 2008 at 2:29:00 PM GMT+2 , Anonymous said...

men! det var jävligt gjort av systern! nu blir jag lack här på andra sidan. morr. pridear lite åt dig här ifall du vill, är europride snart. kram!

On Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 6:41:00 AM GMT+2 , Mini said...

Du liebe Zeit!

Es ist ja gut gegangen, das beruhigt. Das hätte dir überallt auf der Welt passieren können, auch back home! That's the way it is!!

On Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 10:43:00 AM GMT+2 , Anonymous said...

Oh my god. That´s being a bit too overprotective.
Im gonna write you an email with a status-update on my life.
much <3