About? Everything
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
So I've been in NZ for three months but where is the Maori culture that I heard so much about and is so proudly presented in every pamphlet? The only thing I'm hearing are racist comments about how much trouble they make cause of them still hating "the new-comers". Which I have a real hard time believing. A lot of the names of places are in Maori, when you say "hi" a lot of the kiwi's (NZ people) go "Kia Ora" which means the same thing. But where is the rest? Is that it? Are there only tourist places left to visit and if that's the case I'm really scared. Come on people! The Britts came here 1839, have they really succeeded in whipping out the hole population? Scary!!

The picture is from our walk along the beach yesterday.

Last night there was a power got cut of and the hole neighbourhood went black. A nice and pleasant experiences at 10ish in the evening. But today I found out why. There was a girl that jumped on the local power stations electric cables! Cheeses!

What's the plan? Well, I'm looking for more opportunity to work and travel around the south island until after new years. Then get a paying job and travel some more until I hopefully will return to Sweden in April for a bit. But things can and probably will change until then. Right now that sounds about good though. I've got travel brochures all over my bed and need to get more info too. If anyone has a "most see place" they would like to recommend I'd be happy to check it out!

I want to visit (not in any particular order) Kaikoura cause of the dolphins and whale watching, go back to Rotoroa, spend a few days in Auckland, go to PHAT 09 (huge dance festival at new years), Golden bay and abel tasman, river rafting, para gliding or skydiving or something like that, Queenstown and bungy jumping... Well, we'll see how much I can scweeze into my tiny brain and thin wallet. But its on the wish-list!

And I'm going to WWOOF if everything goes according to plan. Its where you in exchange for work get free accommodation and food at organic farms. There are all kinds of different farms out there, horse, artsy, hippie and more. I'm so eager to go and get to know the country!

And one further thought that hasn't got anything to do with anything. What's with the hole "get two for one" deal? Not in commercial things, I get that - we are getting screwed over and don't even understand it. But the thing where people constantly put up profile pictures of them with a lot of people around as if they were saying - "look, these people love me" or "I'm not alone" or "this is my partner, aren't we cute?". Can't you just be you? Besides, I can never figure out who is the real person and who the other ones are. Plus, I personally wouldn't want to be on someone else's profile picture for some site up on the net. Enough about that, but if you do know, please tell me!

Music, still the same: Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts
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On Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 7:00:00 PM GMT+2 , Anonymous said...

I think its good that you do what you want to instead of just being safe or whatever. Keep it up ^^