Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Where to go next, what to do? And when? How about this city, that activity, this farm or a nice couch? I've got no idea where I'm of to next. I just know I'm going somewhere in the last week of November or maybe the first of December. Bought a huge 90L backpack and a sleeping bag the other day. Can't decide if I'm gonna take Yvane (my laptop) with me or not, take the job offer from Greenpeace after new years and maybe go to Phat-09 (the big and expencive 4 day long dance party that's over new years). I've got no clue. The positive thing with the job is money, travel and working for Greenpeace. The bad thing is I'm stuck in NZ for the rest of the time and Aussie is out of the equation if I go down that path. But I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to get over there anyways. Time, money and so on... A travellers catch 22 - if you have the time you don't have the money and if you have the money you ain't got the time.

Had some really nice friends here from Sweden who actually found me throw the blog! The post way back where I was screaming at the top of my lungs that there were no larpers in NZ, ha. One of them were obviously here, she mailed me and it turned out that we'd already meet and played together in 2005 at Kejsartemplet. Fun times. The gang, 4 Swedish people, stayed 2 nights here with me and gah, it was so nice just speaking Swedish again and chatting about larp memories. And they left me some swedish candy and the beloved knäckebröd (a really hard bread that's almost like a cracker). Thanks guys and hope to see you soon again!

I showed them my favourite place yesterday, Queens Garden and got the photo I was assigned to do. Cat and me looked at heaps of pictures of Nelson before I came and the one of the bridge in QG got stuck in hens memories (the first photo) so I promised to get a photo to prove that I'd been there. This one is for you.

Otherwise my cold seams to be over, done some homework and other stuff but didn't get that feeling of accomplishment that I'm always working towards. Grr. Only 3 more weeks of school to go!

Getting further away from the my friends and family back in Sweden, at first it was 10 hours time difference, after we hit summertime it was 11 hours and now that Sweden is officially ready for winter its 12 hours. Easier to know what the time is over there but you feel even further away now then you did before.

Today's person: My mum who's healthy again!
Music: Detektivbyrån
Today's thanks: The Swedish gang for their time and company and M for the postcard that won in long time travelling VM.
New blogs I'll be reading:
Carina o Gunnar
Tindra o Simon
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