Major in Object
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Yes, please! But that wont happened this year, gah! I really badly want to. Today I finally realized why I haven't been motivated for school over here jet but feel fine on Thursdays (mostly anyways). We have object studio all day and I love it. Although I already have done most of the stuff that we are doing now there are some new things or at least a look back on what I did last year. Somewhat irritating but probably good too. I wonder if I can major in it this year, think not but will have to talk to them. But I guess I should still do the stuff that I'm not that in to and learn it better but some days it feels like being back in collage (gymnasiet) where you had to do everything again and not just the stuff that you actually want to work with (or I have no Idea what I'll be working with when I grow up, hopefully I just wont grow up). What to do, what to do? Is it allowed to just study what you want, do what you like?

Apparently partying here is totally different from back in Sweden or how we did it anyways, you do not (!) make out or flirt if you don't mean anything by it. Remember that. Note to self: You don't want to get a big sign on you that says "slut!".

Music of the day: Max Serpentini - Everywhere
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On Sunday, August 10, 2008 at 8:30:00 PM GMT+2 , Anonymous said...

jag kan känna igen det där, med saker man redan gjort och känner sig klar med. Det har varit lite så på min skola också det gågna året. Det hjälpte mig att ha inställningen att hitta nåt nytt i det gamla och välbekanta - försöka tänka lite längre än de som gör det för första gången, eller "utanför lådan". Det fungerade bra för mig.

On Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 2:10:00 AM GMT+2 , isobelll said...

Jo, jag forsokte men gav upp. Jag vill fan lara mig mer nar jag akt till andra sidan jordklotet! Kommer iaf att repetera massor med nagra av kurserna sa jag vill inte gora om allt iaf. Hur gar det med ditt pluggande?

On Friday, August 15, 2008 at 11:17:00 AM GMT+2 , Anonymous said...

det har inte börjat än. Men snart åker jag ned till Malik och hans skola i Danmark och det ska bli så sjukt kul!

Förstår att det är jobbigt. när man gett upp så mycket så vill man ju ha utdelning i proportion till uppoffringen. hoppas det blir bättre!