This is one of the best decisions I've ever made I think, I'm madly in love with it! I've been thinking about getting a tree for quite a while now, letting the idea so to say "grow on me". And I finally decided when my old friend and tattooist came back to Stockholm. I'm gonna do it! First he filled in my old ones. I've got one of my first pet rat (which also is a symbol of Ying and Yang + its got a water sign at the very bottom) on my lower back and a stamp on my ass saying "Made in germany" (Yes, I'm not kidding and I love it!)
Then I hit the drawing board thinking it should be rather easy to get it out of my head and on to paper but oh no, I was proven wrong. I'd taken about a 150 photographs from all over the world of trees that I liked and downloaded about 50 or so more. Researching all the different types and discarding sketch after sketch. I had a photograph of my back which I was able to pin my ideas on in Adobe Illustrator (man am I glad I actually learnt that program even though I hated the teacher). And with the help of my sweet computer I had a design after about one week of solid work and virtually no sleep. But as I got the print in my hands I just wanted to make some quick changes... Which turned into 22 sketches (might have been more) and another week of hard work.
I saw trees everywhere, they were nailed to my eye lids and as I closed them at yoga class, meditating or dance class I really couldn't focus on anything else but getting that last branch just a tad more to the left. I ended up with a tree that was completely different from what I originally thought I would and got quite nervous. But as I sat, once again, up until 4 AM in the morning the day before my opointment (falling asleep with the pencil in my hand - again!) I finally fell in love with it. Could feel it literary growing on me. And of course it hurt getting it inked but it healed quickly and now a week later its only a bit itchy still. Going back for a fill and more work though. And I'm looking forward to using a bra this weekend, which of obvious reasons hasn't been an option lately.
So what does it mean? Why a tree? Well, I've always been, as Spikey in Nelson so nicely put it, a "nature girl". I'm a environmentalist, a vegan, a veggie, an animal lover and so on. I've not taken any existing tree but worked with my own. Its tilted to the left cause the Swedish socialist anarchist communist political parties are all to the left and as you might know I'm all the way out on the left side. Of course there are lots of private and hidden meanings within. In fact, I ended up writing a whole list of stuff on my wall. I can just say, I'm falling in love with it just a wee bit more for each day. =)
My dear Yvaine suffered a breakdown a while back and but she's now up to speed again, loving the tapping of my fingers. Kazai was the hero of the day and took her under his wings. It seamed that Windows Vista which I've been hating ever since I got the laptop killed her slowly until she couldn't fight back any more. So after reinstalling and trying again and again with Vista we finally gave up and headed on to Windows 7. And Wow! This one is actually working, I must also confess that I'm rather infatuated with the new design and features. There is only one small problem... Cause the operating system is so new my beloved Yvaine who bares the last name of Asus hasn't quite got the hint yet and a lot of the neat shortcuts, special buttons and functions aren't working. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though and also hoping that she'll keep with me this time.
Welcome back, Yvaine!
Soundtrack dedicated to my dear love Yvaine: Ayo - Down on my knee's This song always brings me back to a sweaty run down hookers palace in Bangkok which a sweet group of people were making over to a cool backpackers. I spent a couple of nights sleeping on the roof top and a couple of night partying in the downstairs bar while a good looking guy was hitting on me as he put this song on. Ha! My mind was already very made up however, no more men. Even thought he was real fine and unfortunately not my type at all ;p
... it doesn't mean I've got nothing to say. Often it means I've got way to much to get it on print. Either I'm out in the big world on adventures or I'm having another one of those nice episodes of chaos in my life. (Well, there's always a state of chaos in my life to be honest.)
So for the last few weeks everything's been upside down, again. Job problems, money issues and social breakdowns - it's been kinda hard but I'm still here. I just need to catch my breath for a while. Reminding myself of meditating each day, listening to that "wise mind" voice. Keeping track of the thirteen year old way to in love insecure girl hidden inside my body just longing for the next txt from Zhe. Its been nearly a month since we last meet, we've tried over and over again but our schedules just don't seam to fit. Which Sucks. Real bad. At the moment, (Oh I haven't given up hope yet) it looks like it could be until after Christmas!! And that thirteen year old girl inside me is screaming, jumping and going all sorts of mad inside, mostly cause she's just really lonely without him I guess.
Soundtrack: Michael Jackson A suggestion from my mum, its a special family day today. Love ya! This one is for you.
So once again, communication is what makes the world go round. Ok, I see. Well, thanks for letting me know Mr. Obvious. Doesn't make it any easier though. But I did it. I found the words. Finally. I think the hardest part was admitting them to myself.
I don't know what to say, what to think, how to feel. I don't even know how I could put it all in a txt, without getting way to private. I'm sorry, you caught me off-guard. So I'm at a loss for words.
Kazai: "Now you're the one giving hen "The Silent Treatment"!! Stop thinking about yourself for a moment and think of the other person...!
Ok, I will. I'm sorry. Just don't know what to say...
"Can't you just say what you feel?"
I don't dare to admit it even to myself, I'm sorry. Even though you probably already know.
Picture: Urban Exploration tour of Stockholm, day before yesterday. Soundtrack: Youtube video sent by txt.
Sunday its all gonna happen, I'm gonna check out Massive Attack with my mum! Yay! Lots of year ago when they came to Sweden I said to myself "Oh, well. They're probably awesome but I really don't have to see them live" and wow did I regret that! Even though they're not in my playlist at any given time I've still loved them since forever.
First love was Karmakoma which I watched on MTV as a teenie and got scared shitless. It was just about the same time as "Come to Daddy" with Ahpex Twin came on and that one also brightened up my fear of the dark. Thank you...
Massive Attack - Karmakoma:
This was the time before internet entered my life for real and I had absolutely no idea who Massive Attack was until I one day in the record store (which I rarely visited due to low founds) found the album "Protection" on sale and "Blue Lines" next to. Wow! I was bluffed and the Cd's didn't leave my stereo for ages. Got the "Mezzanine" as soon as it hit the stores. So now its finally time, Massive Attack.
...Pretty, please. I really don't want this. I really can't handle this. I need to stay in control, to have my focus on what's important. On my future. I wont allow myself to lose sight of my goals. The only problem is that I can't stop it. I guess I never could. And once again my goals get altered. Not the big one's, I'd already decided to stay in Sweden a while longer. To rest and put all the pieces of my puzzle that I've gathered over the last year on the floor, turn each one over a couple of times and find out what to do next. But what I wasn't prepared for was this. You...
I absolutely hate falling in love. Can't handle it. Everyone else keeps on telling me to just enjoy the ride, that at least the one I'm being all bubble hearts for is actually feeling the same thing. But that really doesn't matter. Its not a question just about losing control of my own life, wanting to give it all up for just one more minute with him. Its about losing control over my sanity. It feels like I'm in a massive battle, I've already lost but I'm not quite prepared to put down my weapons just yet. That will make it hurt even worse if this is just a fling.I've just turned thirteen. Again.
My stereo keeps on playing silly little love songs, my eyes keep on starring into empty space and my tummy keeps on hurting - every time I get a txt from you, every time I don't. I've just turned thirteen. Again.
Me and Zhe.
(Oh, I can't keep calling you Mr. B even though you got the honer of choosing your own nick on my blog its just not working for me. So I'll call you Zhe which in Chinese translates to "Anarchist", just like you are. 者zhě)
Had a nightmare about Zhe. He said that since we're both relationship anarchist I wouldn't mind if he spent the night in my flatmates bed or if we could all just stay in there together. What? Uhm, no? RA is about finding out what we want and not what the norm has taught us about being in love. But that does Not mean that its ok to do just everything, its about communicating. Hmm, think I sorta lost the point I was trying to make.
Never the less, "uhm, no...?" I txt'd him back and woke up to check my cell. Nothing. No answer. And no txt saying what I'd obviously only dreamt. Nothing. In fact, nothing for the whole entire day! As it got up to 24 hours, preciously (yes, I'm 13??) at 3.54 pm, I thought it was just as well to set my mind into "get over him" mode. It was only then that I realised how far it had gone. That even if I wanted to I couldn't stop it now. So a very sad little dead Zombie walked the streets at "The Stockholm Zombie Walk". I've just turned thirteen. Again.
I can almost set my alarm to my mood swings, when I think that the world has gone under and everything is just plain and utter horrible existence. Its about 3 hours since the last txt from Zhe. Yup, I know, I'm sorry. I've tried. And the second I get another txt it starts all over again. I've just turned thirteen. Again.
Two hours later, after checking my cell way to often, it beeped again. Oh, How I love that sound!
And of course I'd just been a fool, he'd slept all day. He's not addicted to txt's like I am, not to facebook, like I am. He's simply just... gah, way to good to be true? Ha, listen to yourself Girl! Its hopeless to fight it off now, just sit back and enjoy the ride. I simply replied with turning the camera on me and sending him a zombie. =) I've just turned thirteen. Again.
The next night I didn't have any nightmares, I fell sound asleep as quickly as I hit the pillow and woke up as my cell beeped again (which I rarely do, or if I do I fall strait back to sleep). And while reading a cute "Good Night" txt, I fell asleep again with the cell tightly in my hands.
That's how I know thatI've turned Thirteen. Again.
Soundtrack (in Swedish): Lars Winnerbäck - Du får mig (, jag ger mig)
This is the worst idea ever! But it might just have been the medicine the doctor ordered... I'm really scared of the dark and all that shit so taking a sweet walk though the city with a horde of Zombies just doesn't feel right. But I did. Maybe cause I wanted to overcome my fear. But the important part was to show my support to anything that's happening on the streets, anything that makes people leave their home and have some fun outside - with people they don't even know.
So I bought the necessary ingredients and mixed my own fake blood. 45 minutes later I had "the perfect shade of red" or rather I had run out of food dye, time and got tired of mixing in both acrylic and pigments to get the right tone. So all of us hit the bathroom mirrors and splashed (slashed?) us some sweet (yeah, syrup was the main ingredient) blood on ourselves and hit town.
I might be able to handle Zombies from now on, at least a bit better but fuck - even though I was a part of the walk the others freaked me out anyways. And I tried to scare the crowd but one of them said "Buh!" and I almost screamed and tried to scare him back. Might have tried to hard though, sorry for that.
Hardest part was staying serious while we all were moaning down the street and when a guy said "Swineflu" I cracked up. Hearing "Thriller" get blasted over a town square near the end of the walk was kinda hilarious too. The only real negative critique I've got is that the walk was way to long, took about 2 hours? Something like that and it was way to cold. Even though Zombies don't freeze, I do.
And as I got home and looked myself in the mirror, yaiks...!! Decided to give the Zombie party a try and to my surprise they played Dubstep in the little underground (normally Medieval) bar and I hit the dance floor. So I got just as disappointed when the next DJ came on and had the normal boring industrial EMB, no thanks. Had a pretty sweet night though, accidentally scared a girl on the subway. Oopps... No I'm sorry. Its not my real Blood, I feel just fine thank you. Just a bit dead.
Nightmares? Nope. I know, I'm real proud too.
I know, I'm never gonna do it again! Not as long as I live, or wait a minute. Its to late already isn't it?
I absolutely can't stand it! It drives me nuts when people give me the silent treatment either in IRL fights, throw other means of communication or just because they forgot. I Can't stand it! When fighting I need to know that the other one is there, that the person is reacting to what I'm saying and not just letting me babble about. It feels like I have to fill the silence with something, often more yelling. And I really can't even begin to tell you how much I hate having fights when the other person hasn't got the nerve to tell me that I'm wrong. Of course I'll get even angrier at the time but then I can at least get over it and try to understand and calm down.
Oh, but there's more to the silent treatment. Like when people you care about, a lot, just forget to contact you at all. I'm so tired of being the one who's always txting people. Oh, I know I've got that whole issue with being a txt addict and I know I'm absolutely horrible at replying mails on time or at all. But please pretty please, don't shout me out of your life. Not to mention the people you know haven't forgot about you but just "don't have the time" or are just real bad at replying txt's. Humpf.
And while writing this I might mention that I've got a real nasty little voice at the back of my head saying "Oh, little one. Don't you know? They aren't giving you the silent treatment at all, they simply just couldn't care enough to bother talking to you..." Is that the truth?
Oh, and I also hate to fact that I've some how gotten more and more private on the blog even though I probably shouldn't. Scared about posting, scared about not posting and just keeping a happy smile and scared about... oh, you know me, just about everything guess. Ha, nah I'm not that "strong and stubborn girl" a lot of people might think. I'm just good at pretending and "Fake it 'til ya make it!".
Gosh, I should really start taking my own advice. Putting the mantra "Fake it 'til ya make it" in a cheerful voice on repeat. Good one.
Picture from a exhibition in Copenhagen earlier this year.
I've always thought that there had to be guardian angels out there, friends who'd never ever let you down but I realised last week that that's not the case at all. No one let me down but after coming back from the larp "Våra Drömmars Stad" I started to analyse the scene that had meant the most to me and why it was so hard to let go. My character had gotten herself in a real bad situation and another one was trying to help her, which was rather impossible both in physical and emotional sense of the word. But then the person said, "How do you know I'm not your guardian angel?". And my world came to a complete stand still. Both in-game and as I later realised, off-game.
As I got back home I wrote it all down and found out why it'd been so hard to accept. As I preciously said, I've always believed in Guardian Angels but just as my character couldn't be saved I can't be "saved" by someone/something else then myself. No one out there, no matter how much they mean to me or I to them can step up and carry my troubles. As the larp ended and my character "lost" his Guardian Angel simply cause the game ended, I too lost mine. Knowing that there are none. And also seeing another aspect of Relationship Anarchy.
In "normal" relationships you're (almost) always meant to be the other one's Guardian Angel, saviour and complete partner. Something that can't be demanded of anyone. You're always responsible for your own actions, of course, but as we're always made to believe in media - "someone will always catch me when I fall". (Like in one of the most moving moments in my favorite movie "Dancer in the Dark" with Björk, by Lars von Trier. The song is called "In the musicals"). So I'm sorry for everything I've demanded of the people who have been closest to me at the time, I'm sorry for asking of you to "save" me although you never even had the power to to what I begged you for. We're all in this alone. And this I say with a "wise mind voice". We can listen to people, visit places, get to know animals but we can never demand of them to take care of everything. And the most important thing, a so called partner can never be held responsible for you mistakes/troubles/problems.
Now I just have to keep reminding myself that media is once again wrong about stuff. Just as they are wrong about consuming more makes us happy, war isn't to bad if its far away and meat is everyone's right cause we should kill animals for food and marriage is the goal of everyone's life. Ok, now I might be a bit harsh but Media isn't all to kind to the one's who've seen behind the curtains.
(The Picture is taken in the middle of Stockholm where I found a little angel flying about and doing its business.)
I'm trying to listen to all the advice; "Its better to have love and lost the never have loved at all", "Go for it girl!", "Just enjoy falling", "Don't give in to your fear.", "its already to late - look at yourself! You've already fallen for fucks sake, sis'!"
But the one advice that actually made me think twice and I to really appreciate everyone's - pretty please don't get me wrong. Maybe cause it just hit the right spot, while looking at my small Buddha statue and having the urge to meditate it got me to think strait for a second or two. And I quote;
"You will only find zen in stillness if stillness is indeed your purpose. The zen of the wind is to blow and of the heart, to pump.
This is precisely about your bubbles, here and now. Fear and denial are the distractions that keep you from allowing yourself to be crazy and irrational (or rationally insane?) and go along with where those dangerous feelings are taking you.This is long past "do or do not". You are already committed to action. Make that action count!THAT is where your zen is.
And when, occasionally, the world throws you flat on the ass, then your zen shall be to land."
Gosh! Thank you!
And TCDG (The Cute Danish Guy) just added (the comments are from FB under my status feed: is scared of that thing called "falling in love" and wont admit to anyone/herself that its happening. Can anyone please hit the "Stop button"??) "What is love?If love was to be controlled?What is love?If love was without complications?What is love? If love was anything else then the anarchistic feeling it is?!"
And thank you all for listening to my never ending babble mouth, whining, fearing, bubbling. Love ya' all!
But what made me finally admit that its already way to late for turning back was hearing the person say that they had the same bubbles about me. So I finally admit, I've fallen. And I'm scared to death. Can't handle having someone else have that effect on me, letting anyone be that important, losing control.
Picture: While I was in Thailand earlier this year, checking out every temple I could possibly find and have the energy/time to explore. Now little pictures of Buddha's and a small statue gets me to remember to slow down and find my "wise mind".
Embarrassingly long soundtrack on open display: (links from spotify, my new friend in the glory of free internet while I'm hating the ipred law)
Trying to stabilise, trying to find some solid ground in all the chaos around me but just ending up where I stated. Starring at a lantern and not really knowing what to do next. Ha, it seams to always sound like this. Yup, that's me. Never knowing what I want or where I should go. And once again I slipped, spent way to much time in my little room , and hoped I might find out where to go from here. Nope. My head is as empty as it was before, except of the fact that my tummy's empty too.
So today's mission is not climbing a ruin in Visby, not to accept that I'm slowly falling (in love), not to save the world but simply... oh, heck I've got no idea. Do you? Or the future me reading this? I only know I'm not fully agreeing with this thing people call reality. And why the fuck should I? But its time to wake up now, honey Smell the coffee (tea) and what?
Little bubble of chaos. Press pause on reality.
Soundtrack: Björk The picture is from a Klimax demonstration earlier this year.
Ah, of course! Now I know what's wrong! Its Autumn in Sweden. Welcome to my reality. Even though my life is always in a state of chaos.
The Happy Visby gang from this summer, with newcomers and missed one's, meet up for the annual "Visby Culture Night" to catch up and party hard. Yay us! These things usually never happen even if you say "oh, we are really gonna try and see each other again." But we did. And we even managed to complete the mission that we set out to do, so many months before. So here it goes and I really do hope I wont get into trouble cause of this.
As we'd checked out the weather forecast we rescheduled our mission and had it on Friday instead of Saturday, which was a real good choice. To bad everyone hadn't arrived at the time though. Me, Fiffi and Mr. B talked about making an art installation to contribute to The Night of Culture in Visby and our theme was "Distance". Fiffi had made beautiful lantern's which we grabbed along with a bunch of other candles that could withstand the cold wind and made our merry way through the streets of Visby. (Yeah, after a drink or two we might add. And also after my talk with Mr. B so I was all filled with fresh hope and bubbles I might add.)
Mr. B who's from Visby took us to an old Church ruin and told us how to get inside. I could feel my already high bubble level going up another nudge and followed the others without hesitation. The old building had lots of little secrets to share and soon enough we were all, after a few adventures and climbing on top of it but it surely felt like we were on top of the world, or at least Visby.
Fiffi's Lanterns.
We started spreading out the candles, took out the lantern's and lit it all up. We'd of course forgotten a couple of candles that we bought especially for the lantern but it was just as beautiful anyways. Fiffi told us how she'd thought about the "Distance" project and that she wanted to illustrate the distance between people by making two pairs of lanterns that were perfectly made for each other, almost hugging one another.
Then it was my turn. I'd thought I make something out of wire, which is my favourite material, but couldn't think of anything to do! After a bit of panicking and a deadline pressing I gave up and did something completely different, like I always do. So I brought along about 25 friendship bracelet's which I'd spent night and day making for the last week. "Now there doesn't have to be a distance between us at all!" I said and we all hugged while putting them on. Yay!! Ok, might not be to big of an art project to the world but we had lots of fun and it was real special.
And as a little extra note, Fiffi came up check on me when I was real hung over and asked if me and Mr. B 'd like it if we could share one of the lanterns. What? Wow, yes please - we'd love too!!! So we each lit a candle and sat them side by side where they kept us and each other company all Sunday night and wrapped them in tightly on Monday morning. And the first thing I did when I got home was to pull it out, check that it had survived the boat trip and put it beside my laptop. They act as a firm memory, a real piece of evidence of the weekends wickedness. The whole thing seams very unreal but then again, I look at the lantern as it sits here beside me and remember all the love (there were 7 of us) and sweet adventures we had. Then it all becomes almost to real. Thanks, Fiffi! They are truely wonderfull!
This is so uncalled for. As I finally admit to myself that I need to stay put in one place cause I can't handle missing more people at the moment, I find my darling new friends living everywhere in the country instead. I've lost little pieces of my heart in all corners of the world. But as I give it away, as I share it and open up, as I show them and the places my heart I get something very important back. Another piece of the puzzle. But being on the road meant I had nowhere to sit down and try to put all the pieces together, I guess that's why I feel that I need to stay put for a while. To sit still. And yet, I' still travelling. (Even if its not all to far.) And losing little pieces of my heart. Still missing people and gathering new once to the list of "gah, I wish you were here!". But I know that I need to leave again once I've gotten my strength back up. I need to find more pieces, lose more little hearts and fall in love with more of the beautiful places of the world.
Stood on the ferry this morning and saw the sunrise over Visby while leaving its harbour. As the sunlight hit the first house I felt an even bigger piece then usual break lose and tumble down over board, splash as it hit the cold water and be united with the love for that island and the special people who live there or just come to stay for a bubble summer happy weekend once in a while. I felt like I was losing a way to big piece for me to handle all at once to you, Mr. B until I realised that I wasn't losing it at all. (Remembering Relationship Anarchy.) I realised I'd gained another very important piece of my puzzle. One I've been looking for for quite a while. (But to make things clear, I was NOT looking for a crush/lover. I was looking for another piece of the puzzle, like I always am.)
As I've written again and again (or at least talked about but wrote real honest in Once Again back in Real Life.) I finally had he guts to stand up for myself and say no to sexual intercourse, to the actual penetration and to the dick. To be all frank and truthful. But I never realised that that didn't mean that I closed a lot of doors until now. I thought that meant that I wouldn't have sex, wouldn't get pleasure from someone else and wouldn't get all that close. I'd lose one of the important and most intimate things that happens between two people (or can happen). Of course I'd still have sex with girls and all of that but the only problem was that it seamed like I still had crushes on boys. And not the macho manly once but the sweet, often very androgynous and not thinking in a gender norm way. If you could phrase it like that.
But then I found the piece that's been missing, the one I never even thought about. While allowing myself to feel and act and remembering to be true to myself I found out that sex didn't need to be all about the penetration, genitals and orgasms. I've never even thought it was possible but it felt like we found something better, something that was even closer, more intimate and loving then the handling of flesh. And I'm not writing this to "out" anyone, I do hope Mr. B doesn't mind and even though I probably would like to just keep it to myself I found out, once again through a previous post comment, that there are others out there who can't handle the "normal" sexual intercourse. So this is to show, mostly to myself, that its very possible to make love, have sex. Or let me rephrase, its very possible to (in the extremely romantic way) "become one", "tap into each others hearts".
I was planning on having an awesome weekend with friends and a cute innocent flirt, things didn't turn out as planned. Heck, they never do. Lots of partying but no film in an old church. It was poring down outside and way to cold so they moved it to the local cinema, which wasn't as cool but still very sweet to see a scary movie all seven of us while screaming at the right places and having an educational moment, since we were watching "Peeping Tom" which, I believe, was from the sixties and ground breaking at the time. Lots of more partying, lots of sauna, tea, sweet vegan food, lovin' friends and late nights but then there was that innocent flirt which turned out to be something completely different.
Scared while writing, scared while thinking, scared while feeling but its to big to just ignore. I'm falling. Another little piece of my heart is now washed up on the shore of Gotland. And as I saw it fall hitting the waves beneath the ferry I couldn't keep my tears back anymore. Just as its hard when I'm writing this. I could always try to explain it with "Haven't slept or eaten properly for the whole weekend" and so on but I think its something more. Cause no matter what happens now I found that piece of the big puzzle that is me, so thank you Mr. B and thanks to all the poor souls who had to listen to my endless ramble about my confusing "love life". Its thanks to them that I was strong enough to say no which opened a whole world of doors for me to explore.
Wow, talk about honesty?! Well, there you have it. And it might be a bit easier to understand then my drunkin' ass trying to, well I don't know what I was thinking about, blog earlier.
(Pictures; Visby while leaving the harbour. Sunrise over Visby. Me on open water.)
So while listening to way to cute music from my teen days, missing everyone heaps and bloggin' I decide that just for today I'll stay inside my little bubble of happiness and will deal with the real world outside my window tomorrow.
Uhm... I'm sorry? Well, I mean. Everything in the last post is true its just that I really shouldn't blog while way to drunk. Really not! But to my defense, the comments on one of my previous posts where I was talking about the confusion about sex/love made me realize that its a good thing to just write, talk and be honest. That someone else out there had the "same" type of problems as I do. So thank you for sharing and caring enought to comment =).
The flat (here on Gotland), with 7 lovely people, is coming to life after a hard night of partying. Just as it should be at 2 pm.
So a huge note to myself; Never ever, and I repeat, never (!) blog while drunk!! Not only the fact that I wasn't able to write in complete sentences, or that I was babbling along uhm... getting way to personal (like always??) might not be the ideal thing to wake up to. OOppss... So I'm sorry.
Wll, I gotta tell you that I'm so fucking happy. This has been like the first time since forever (?) well at least since my "puppy love" time with Cat almost two years ago. So I fuckin' deserved some good stuff. I've, it you hadn't noticed, got a HUGE crush. Like in the last two posts I've been really confused and really scared. Just like this one. But for the first time since forever its not the usual "I'm having a crush, I really don't wanna' and the other person doesn't like me at all".This time its all just to cute. Gah, I hope its not just form my side. The person in question is a newbie in terms of Relationship Anarchism but very willing to learn. So yes, I'm falling. So hard. In spite of the subject being a boy, at least to the physical side.
So what about my problem? Of telling this person whom I'm very attracted to that I'm celibate? Well, we had a "talk" yesterday and had that serious "I kinda like you but..." - talk and he didn't realize that I was a relationship anarchist. It turned out that he'd wanted to be one for several years but never really got into in it. And I, of course, feel fuckin' amazing showing him what it all means. (See under the label of Relationship Anarchism or to know more about it.) So when we all talked it through, I thought I totally lost him. I thought I was once again having a crush on someone who wasn't in the least bit interested in me. But uhm, that wasn't what happened. I let go, he let go and we agreed that we were really scared but we so wanted to go on and feel more. And later on today I (sadly) realized that it was way to late to turn back. I'm falling. And id doesn't matter how scared I am or whatever it means to him, I'm falling.
Which is really scary though, not just the fact that I'm falling again but that its a "he". Again. But as I said, the amazing thing happened. I was brave enough to tell (so I gotta give him a name?) Mr. B. (Mr?? Well, its not a macho man in such way but he got the enormous honor of choosing his own, never happened before.) Ah, gah! Yeah, as you read (probably my future self tomorrow) you'd realise that I'm quite drunk. haha... embarrassing. haha!
The best thing that happened was, besides us giving it a try, that we had sex without our genders. For the first time, and I'm 26, I had sex (or rather made love?? Do I dare to say it?? Ha, I'm to drunk not too and tomorrow its gonna be way to late to change my mind.). I had sex without my physical gender, and gah, I really hope that Mr. B doesn't hate me for outing this on my blog or that I will regret it tomorrow but gah, I'm so having the huge crush. Feeling way to much for my tummy to handle. Ha, I'm in love! There, I said it. Finally. But remember, I wont admit it tomorrow. Or will I?
So sex without the physical gender, love without the physical gender and relationship anarchism without the heterosexual norm. I'm so fuckin' game!
Having the time of my life, probably course I'm so drunk (this is the first time I admitted being drunk while bloggin) and finally being brave enough to feel everything. Write anything and just to feel. Scared, happy, bubble and love. Tihi, love! And this is me talking, the one that is so scared of feeling anything more the friendship. Ha!So even more way to personal stuff on my blog, like I haven't don't that one before. Ha!!
So music of the day; Shit, I don't fuckin' know eye. But from he stuff that we've been listening to this night its been "I miss you - Blink 182". Thank you Mr. B for making me belive again. And the most important thing, the friends down here made me belive in love again.
Song of the day might just as well be "More then Words-Extrem" And this time, you'll just have to check out goolge for the links yourself. Love ya!
And no pic's couse I haven't got them prom my camera yet, but when there's stuff I will post it. Bubble happy love to ya all.
So what happened? Well, the bubbles didn't get smaller, which at first was absolutely amazing. you know the feeling you get when everything is just right, fragile but beautiful. That was last night. But today, well. We txt'd or rather I got a txt saying that it'd been real nice but we probably shouldn't continue. Everything went silent. So it was to good to be true? I knew it! Fuck this shit!! And then, ha then!! you know actual communication creates wonders in all sorts of relationships and everything is (seams, oh please pretty one!) to be good now. Hopefully.
The flat took a day of from reality and stayed in, hanging out and reading. Until nightfall when we climbed up in a real cool church ruin and lit some candles up there for everyone to see. Just as scary as it was dangerous I suspect but of course lots of fun. A real mission. Gah, I do really love it here!
Btw, still fighting or not talking or I really don't know what's happening to Cat. Really miss him though. Fuck.
Addictions: Travel + Hitch hiking, tea, art, dance, larp, play, cartwheels, my cell phone, music, the road, computers n' internet
Politics: Green-Veggie-Queer-Anarchist-Socialist
Loves: Animals&Nature, dark chocolate, warm hands, Urban Exploration, hitch-hiking, demonstarting, creating stuff/art, dancing, runnin' through the grass bare feet, adventures
Hates: to freeze, winter, autumn, losing control, my conscience, Falling in Love
Scared of: insects, the dark, Pennywise the Clown, Losing control, deep water, meat, freedom of will and not having freedom of will, the entrapment of a "relationship" (I'm a Relationship Anarchist), capitalism
Massive Attack, Queen, AFI, Takida, CombiChrist, Björk, Coheed & Cambria, Lacuna Coil, Deine Lakain, Bush, Pink, Rammstein+Tatu-kombo, Juli, Covenant, VNV Nation, Soulfly, Nine Inch Nails, System of a Down, Silbermond, K-pist, Tool, Stabbing Westward, Within Temptation, Smashing Pumkins, The Used, Skillet, Architecture in Helsinki, Säkert!, Detektivbyrån, Fall out boy, Kate Nash, Freak Kitchen, Hello Saferide, Gwen Stefani, Eskalator, GoGol Bordello, Muse, Fall out boy, Shout Out Louds, Antony and the Johnsons, Blink 182, Rage agains the machine, Skunk Anansie, Arcade Fire, Silverchair, Kent, Dntl, Kora, Minuit, Sidewalk, Ladi 6, Lykke Li, Lamb, Lama, Stay Ali, Dubstep+Drum&bass, Mint Royal, Sigur Rós, Fat Freddy's Drop, Katchafire, The Black Seeds, Sidewalk, Joel&Joakim... and much more.