memories from Thailand, Ayutthaya. This is one of the ancient temples,
don't ask me which one. I stayed in the small town of Ayutthaya
for a few days and loved it.
I rented a bike and in a matter of minutes I was lost. Of course.
This is in Ayutthaya, Thailand. I fell in love with the place!
What's gonna happen next? What are my big bad cunning plans? Well, some travelling in Europe but after that? Well, I am - naively - like everyone else looking for a job. And again - naively - I didn't think it was gonna be such a big problem. I've got a truck-drivers-license and there used to be heaps of jobs around but last summer the Swedish government wanted to get rid of the shortage and educated heaps of people. Which means no work for me. Gah. I'm of course looking for everything else as well. But nothing seams to be out there. No work, no money. But why hang around in Stockholm, I have to eat any ways and travel doesn't really cost that much - I hitch hike and stay at peoples couches. Visiting friends and family. Yay.
So what's going on after the summer? Uhm, I don't know. I'd like to stay in Sweden at least a few months, so I can get real tired of the country and I also wanna play with all my cute friends here for a while. I've missed them so bad. Do some larping, which can only be done here in northern Europe to my likings. Love it!! But to stay up here while winters coming and making us all into ice cubes? I don't know. I've been looking at some places in east Asia or Japan, I thought I'd give English teaching a go. Yeah, I know I still got lots to learn. My spelling is not the best one, I've got no teaching experience and don't even talk about grammar - don't know shit. But I can learn? And even though its not a dream of mine to become a English teacher. Not like "Yay, this is what I wanna do with my life!" - thing. But it should give me the chance to explore the Asian continent, get work and travel. And that I don't need to come back to Europe to earn money.
Now I just have to figure out where in Asia I'd like to go. They've got some courses over there that would make me qualified and I could start teaching strait away. And if I'm lucky or rather I need to find some that are supported by he Swedish student loans, that way they'll pay for my ticket and I'll get some money for food.
But for now I need to find work or school for the fall term. I really'd like give English a shot at the university here in Stockholm but I'm not sure if I get the chance or can keep my feet based in Stockholm for that long. And I don't have anywhere to live either. Hmm. Ah, well. That's just me and my life I guess - I'll get by somehow. I always do, or don't I? And oh, I do really wanna keep going with my art thing, I wanna study more! But this time around I'd like to give it some more time, check out the school first and start my bachelors when I'm sure that that's gonna be my country and school for the next 3 years. NMIT, the school in Nelson I attended turned out to be shit, half the courses I had to take weren't even art!! WTF? At the moment, I can't seam to keep still for even 2 weeks. Oh yeah, that could become a problem while looking for work. I'm not used to this month to month business any more, I like the weekly system of New Zealand.
To sum things up, if you got any idea where I could stay in Stockholm for the fall, just a spot on a floor would even do, some work or school stuff. Keep me posted, will ya!
My floor is yours, even though I´m couchsurfing myself for the rest of the year ;)
Good to know, thx hun! =)