(and stayed for the night) at the world famous steepest road ever.
is a mystery. Dunedin, Baldwin Street. There has even been
stupid drunk students racing down in shopping carts and such -
and yes, some of them have died.
So as you probably know by now I've been travelling and living in New Zealand for the better part of a year and am now back in Europe - at least for the time being. And I've started to write about my adventures down under, like this one. My first ever Bungyjump! Cause when you hit New Zealand - you just have to jump!
I caught a ride with a Canadian girl that I meet in Oamaru to Dunedin, crashed a night at a sweet couchsurfing friend and went on to Queenstown with her and D who came along too. As we hit town its already getting dark, raining and looking like a fucking (in lack for better word and so fitting for the description) Swedish ski resort. WTF? Why did everyone say that I absolutely HAD to come here? Why? Well, I don't know. I found a rather expensive backpackers ($26 per night I think) and booked my bungyjump for early next morning, there just had to be at least one reason for me to be in town.
Later on at night I had a sweet reunion with a Swedish friend who happened to be in town and we ate porridge, found "Swedish" hard bread and cottage cheese. While drinking tea we had a huge "we hate this fucking town/country/rain!" talk that all of us backpackers need once in a while. Then we fall in love all over again.