COP15 Failed?
Friday, December 18, 2009

But how the Fuck can it fail? How the fuck can they be so fuckin' stupid and not see that we're on the verge of a serious climate catastrophe? That for some of us, the shit has already hit the fan!! (Example 1, 2, 3) WTF?? (For those of you who don't know what COP15 is I advice you to check out the previous post where there's links to handy sites that will explain everything.) How can educated (?) politicians not see what everyone knows, we're in deep shit and its time to make amens. I'm so sick of this shit. Checking out the news and giving up hope. Fuck them, fuck them all.

Last update I heard was that Obama and Hillary Clinton were finally in place but The States said (in an ever so childish way) that they're only gonna sign a deal if China is. And they of course very well know that China never will. But really, there isn't even a deal! None to talk about anyways!

Just read another mail from Climate Justice Action (one of the organisations in Copenhagen during COP15) and I just couldn't have said it better. So I'm gonna be all (non)sneaky and a thieve for that matter. Posting it right here. And if you're in Copenhagen, do join in on the Demo!! Everyone is needed.

"The cop 15 comes to an end - and it has not coped with what politicians promised. There is no treaty that might preserve us from the catastrophic consequences of runaway climate change. The summit's agenda didn't even include real solutions to the climate crisis - such as tackling economic growth, leaving fossile fuels in the ground and implementing food souverainity. Neither has it adressed the ecological debt the global north has with the south or measures for a just transition towards a low carbon economy and society.

Delegates from the civil society have been excluded from the process, some of them beaten up by the police when trying to join the peoples assembly for climate justice outside the Bella Center.

Demonstrations have been cattled, attacked with tear-gas, pepper-spray and batons, more than 1.500 climate activists have been arrested over the past two weeks. Some of them are still in jail - those and others, including spokespeople for climate justice action are now facing trials for taking a role in our common struggle for climate justice.

We neither accept the results of this summit nor the repression our friends and comrades are facing - and that is why we will be on the streets again on friday (18th dec):

peaceful solidarity march from Israels Place near Norreport station (15:00) to Slodsplads (Christiansborg)

Join in and bring your friends along!"

Soundtrack:  Ayo - Down on my knees
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On Friday, December 18, 2009 at 3:39:00 PM GMT+1 , Ola said...

It all has an extremly simple answer actually. The Answer is one word. The word is: Money. Not the lack of it though, we have more than enough

On Saturday, December 19, 2009 at 11:31:00 AM GMT+1 , isobelll said...

I guess you're right. So what can we do about it? Other then scream our heads of and sometimes blow up a couple of banks?

On Monday, December 21, 2009 at 12:26:00 PM GMT+1 , Ola said...

I dont know. Vote green i guess. That's what i intend to do. Surprised?

On Monday, December 21, 2009 at 12:26:00 PM GMT+1 , Ola said...

I dont know. Vote green i guess. That's what i intend to do. Surprised?

On Monday, December 21, 2009 at 12:37:00 PM GMT+1 , isobelll said...

yeah, heaps important now! Besides, the green's are taking the FRA and pirate thingy quite serious it seems. yay

On Monday, December 21, 2009 at 12:57:00 PM GMT+1 , Ola said...

Just a sidenote: The system today is only built so that we will believe that we actually can impact it in any way, voting, demostrations and so on. But as they clearly have shown, our impact is not wanted. A couple of recent examples are the police in denmark, they dont want us to demonstrate our opinions and the Election in ireland. Where the result was not the desired one. Does anyone really think that there would have been another election if they had voted yes to the EU-consititution?
Another great example of Parlamentary democracy is the Nuclear power election in sweden. Next year, according to this ratified decision , all nuclear powerplants in sweden should have been shut down.

On Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 12:04:00 AM GMT+1 , XXX said...

The climate has changed many times between cooling and warming for millions of years.

COP15 tried to cash out on this via AGW and failed. Everyone's eyes been opened to the scam.

Taxing the world back to stone age isn't a solution, nor forming unelected world government to tax everyone in the world.

Technology is the solution, going back to caves is NOT!

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