Peacefully walking along at the "Hit the Production" demonstration in Copenhagen on the 13 December 2009, (against capitalism and for the environment - Climate Justice Now!) the Police sorrounded us after about half an hour. It was as if they were already in place, ready to take us in. We'd done nothing. We weren't gonna do anything!
"A - Anti - Anti-Capitalista"
Scared, we found ourselves trapped. With no where to go. A countdown started on "our side" and all the sudden everyone ran towards the cops to push up against them. Which - needless to say - to pissed off royaly and they, in return, forced us back together. They wanted us to sit down, but there was no physical room for us to obey. No space. It didn't matter to them though. They hit a girl next to me in the head with a baton even though her arms were in the air, just like mine.
Actually, the videos will tell you a lot more then my writings. Just check them out if you wanna know what happened.
I managed to take a couple of pictures before everything turned into one big mess. More pictures shot by other can be found here 1 (check out their photo slide), 2 (real good slideshow of what happened!), 3 or look it up on your own at,,, video 1, video 2, BEST!! video 3, video 4, video 5, More links and videos.
Soundtrack: Our chants.
Hitching: Surprised mum by hitching to her place the day before yesterday and am gonna move on tomorrow probably. Loving to road, again. Ha, my true home? Yeah. Even though its below zero at the moment.
Heart: Tying to pick up the pieces, seems like some of them are missing though. Watch out where you put your feet, you might walk all over me again.
Nightmare: Define Nightmare? I had an absolute wonderful dream and woke up with a smile thinking I was on the ferry to go see Zhe, that hen had said "sorry, for everything. I want you back, wont you come and spend new years eve with me?". Wasn't all great when I realised that it had all been just in my little head. Humpf.
More about what happened in "The Climate Cage" and "Pepper Spray" which I'll post later on.
It's the game, not the fight
I wanted us to fight
I dont want to put them down or
be put down in return
Let the kids of the rich world
play their games
Grin for the cameras
Show off your scars
As they move you away with cars
It's just a game baby
You're in the game baby
Stuck in the loop
You're as grey as they
You're as grey as they
You're as grey as they
You're as grey as they