The Climate Cage
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

 Copenhagen adventures part 2 (read part one here) and part 3 here.

So as I got searched and went finally let out of my hand cuffs (which are made out of plastic strapps), I was led into a huge industry hall. And there they were. I couldn't believe it. I've heard about them but didn't think the roumers were true - but they were. 2.4 x 2.4 x 5 m. Cage. Caged. Prision in its original meaning. I felt like a ferret, trapped. Never really thought about how much freedom meant ot me but all the sudden it was the only thing anyone of us could think about.

Woman and men were keeped seperat, about 10 in each cage (we were eleven). The interier consisted of two benches strapped to the "walls", three isolating matts (very much needed cause of the freezing concrete floor) and after a while we even got thin blankets. Oh, the joy in little favors! And the all important water bottles. At first we screamed, "let us out!" and all sorts of chants from the demonstration ("Hit the Production - demo") The silence came. Or well, it was never silent but I was exhasted and fell asleep. Waking up to realise that the nightmare was infact true. Feeling the bars undernieth with my fingers.

Then rage hit the room. We went mad. Crying out "No Juctic, No peace - Fuck the Police", "ACAB - All Cops Are Bastards", "Climate Justice Now!". Baning the walls with out water bottles, screaming madly. I guess we were about 270 people in that hall so the noise was deafening. Some of the cops wore ear protection grear along with their batons. Across from us was one of the few cages on our side of the hall with men in it. They started jumping around, dancing, not hitting the walls but singing but soon got stopped by the Riot Police who stormed the cage and made them stand up against the walls, legs apart for another search.

The cages had during the previous night gotten quite a rough treatment from the inmates and the doors were now reinforced with wood. Which was great for us, cause they made heaps more noise if one hit them. At first I was kinda scared, tried to "just" scream and hit my bottle against the bars. But I got, just as everyone else, caught up in the rage and soon pushed agains the door. The police couldn't keep track on us all. We had passed the point of rage and were now on the level of pure instinct, "let us out!" and of course the question on all of our mindes - "what have we done!?"

All the sudden I was laying flat on my back, in the middle of the corridor and stunned policemen all around me. Ha! I'd, "accidently", busted the door which was now - with a massive bang - on the floor benieth me. I paniced. Didn't know what to do, shit!! So I chickened out, knew I'd never make it passed the guards and ran into my cage to hid beind the other woman who were all laughing their asses of at the Police.

Soundtrack: Our chants and hitting those bars.

more about what happened later in "Pepper Spray"

Hitching: From mum in Småland to a skipper in Hamlstad for a sweet night of chatting and today --> hitting Göteborg and (almost) all of my favorite people down here. And some much needed love and hugs.

Person of the day: No not one, all the beautiful people I've meet during my travels.

Heart: broken, cardefully huged by lovely friends. broken again and missing you Zhe. Way to much!

Nightmare: I got back together again with Zhe and once again - woke up to reality.
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On Monday, February 22, 2010 at 1:38:00 AM GMT+1 , Sjales said...


Erhh Sorry Elli, sometimes art comes before compassion. It looks and sounds awful and I must admit you got me worried sick about what had happened to you! Hopefully you got some de-stress talk with Cory, the woman that was also sleeping at my flat.
Hope you've learned more use and disuse of this experience!