Male vs. Female feelings
Friday, March 14, 2008
In my dusty and tired head this is what I can produce in writing at this moment.

Just the other day I realized that I don't belive that guys have the same feelings as us girls. Logically thats just stupid and politically incorrect but still the prejudice stays with me and gets me into all sorts of trouble. My experience tells me that guys have a lot harder to express feelings and to fall in love. And as I said before, I know it's wrong and so on but... Still.

Trust issues is something I know well. But mine is "back words", I trust people pretty good in the beginning. Or at least somewhat but if they betray my trust it's quite hard for me to ever belive in them again. And the guy thingy makes it even worse, it makes all kinds of relationships with the other sex difficult. Most of the men in my life have been real idiots in the end. But please, prove me wrong!

Song of the day: The Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise
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On Friday, March 14, 2008 at 6:06:00 PM GMT+1 , Leo said...

Jag håller på att läsa en bok som till stor del handlar om det du skriver. Den heter Det kallas kärlek och är skriven av Carin Holmberg. Jag tror att den är en omskriven avhandling som undersöker över- och underordningsmönster hos heterosexuella par.

Det är riktigt skrämmande läsning på så många olika sätt som har gett mig ingångar till att förstå varför jag har så svårt med manliga relationer. Men läs den... den är bra.

On Friday, March 14, 2008 at 6:06:00 PM GMT+1 , Leo said...


On Saturday, March 15, 2008 at 7:20:00 AM GMT+1 , isobelll said...

Grymt, ska kolla in det! =)