If you are wondering I'm in blog mode. Thoughts keep spinning around and this is how I best get rid of them, getting them on "paper". And the English part, well I figured that it was time to start if I'm gonna move abroad. And now my non Swedish friends can read what I'm all about, or just my crazy thoughts.
So as I ran back to school after a way to long lunch I stepped by the grocery store. As I was gazing into thin air my eyes started folowing a movement, without me noticing. Before it was to late and I realized that I was starring into some ones eyes. And the peculiar part is that I couldn't stop. And he looked really nice, actually cute. So I continued on letting my rest on this nice looking young man. And he looked back, quite happy about my accidental staring. We kept eye contact for a while and turned around to have a better view a couple of times and as I left the store I felt my confidence raise and peered back into the windows. He was standing to still to look like he didn't care and I didn't want to leave. But still, I flirted once more and will keep this little memory as my own, without having it tainted of bad conversation. A huge thank you goes out to the complete stranger making my afternoon a hole loot better.
Having tea with a friend and continuing on to the next one is a really god investment when the last week has been a one huge nightmare place to be in. So as I'm sitting here at M's computer while he's serving me with way to much good tasting things like drinks and proper food I'm quite ok again. And not sleeping more than 3 hour last night proves itself to be a great decision, no brain activity today at all. Nothing, pure silence. Or almost. And the spring time feelings thingy has almost no room to play in my basically numb thoughts. Blissful Silence.
Best person to spend a hole evening with today: M
Best song of the evening: Thermostatic
This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 and is filed under
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