Happy New Year! Ok, now that that one is done I can write what ever the hell I want to, right? What happened during 2009?
I started of with a massive Drum&Bass festival - PHAT 09 - in New Zealand. Kept on hitch hiking all around NZ. Squeezed in a week of beautiful Thailand (Favorite place - Lop Buri). Headed of to 48 hours of cold hearted Sweden ink. cold hearted Cat. Hit Morocco and got ill instead of dancing in the Sahara desert. Came back to Stockholm and lived on Kazai's couch. Checked out festivals (1, 2, 3) larps (1, 2, 3, 4) and hung out with long missed friends. Turned completely vegan (wiki). Found a flat complete with two more girls and a cat in Stockholm. broke up with Cat. Fell in love against my will with Zhe, finally got my third and tattoo - a tree covering my entire back. Got my heart broken by Zhe, over and over and over and over and over again. Got arrested at COP15. Went hitch hiking below zero, had a queer non Christmas and meet up with sweet people in Göteborg for New years where I am right now typing this post.
And just as I thought I had figured out a way to get over Zhe, just plain "let it hurt" and "accept" I got a mail from him. Saying how much he missed me ect. Gah! i don't even know what to say, what to feel. I'm still so in love. Humpf.
People of the day: Berget in Göteborg.
Soundtrack: Eddie Izzards laughter.
City of the Day: göteborg
Event of the day: New Years eve
Secret of the day: I finally got up the guts - Dreads!!! That's why my hair is totally messed up ;p
Picture of the Day: me hitching in Sweden.
Year of the day: 2009
Copenhagen adventures part 2 (read part one here) and part 3 here.
So as I got searched and went finally let out of my hand cuffs (which are made out of plastic strapps), I was led into a huge industry hall. And there they were. I couldn't believe it. I've heard about them but didn't think the roumers were true - but they were. 2.4 x 2.4 x 5 m. Cage. Caged. Prision in its original meaning. I felt like a ferret, trapped. Never really thought about how much freedom meant ot me but all the sudden it was the only thing anyone of us could think about.
Woman and men were keeped seperat, about 10 in each cage (we were eleven). The interier consisted of two benches strapped to the "walls", three isolating matts (very much needed cause of the freezing concrete floor) and after a while we even got thin blankets. Oh, the joy in little favors! And the all important water bottles. At first we screamed, "let us out!" and all sorts of chants from the demonstration ("Hit the Production - demo") The silence came. Or well, it was never silent but I was exhasted and fell asleep. Waking up to realise that the nightmare was infact true. Feeling the bars undernieth with my fingers.
Then rage hit the room. We went mad. Crying out "No Juctic, No peace - Fuck the Police", "ACAB - All Cops Are Bastards", "Climate Justice Now!". Baning the walls with out water bottles, screaming madly. I guess we were about 270 people in that hall so the noise was deafening. Some of the cops wore ear protection grear along with their batons. Across from us was one of the few cages on our side of the hall with men in it. They started jumping around, dancing, not hitting the walls but singing but soon got stopped by the Riot Police who stormed the cage and made them stand up against the walls, legs apart for another search.
The cages had during the previous night gotten quite a rough treatment from the inmates and the doors were now reinforced with wood. Which was great for us, cause they made heaps more noise if one hit them. At first I was kinda scared, tried to "just" scream and hit my bottle against the bars. But I got, just as everyone else, caught up in the rage and soon pushed agains the door. The police couldn't keep track on us all. We had passed the point of rage and were now on the level of pure instinct, "let us out!" and of course the question on all of our mindes - "what have we done!?"
All the sudden I was laying flat on my back, in the middle of the corridor and stunned policemen all around me. Ha! I'd, "accidently", busted the door which was now - with a massive bang - on the floor benieth me. I paniced. Didn't know what to do, shit!! So I chickened out, knew I'd never make it passed the guards and ran into my cage to hid beind the other woman who were all laughing their asses of at the Police.
Soundtrack: Our chants and hitting those bars.
more about what happened later in "Pepper Spray"
Hitching: From mum in Småland to a skipper in Hamlstad for a sweet night of chatting and today --> hitting Göteborg and (almost) all of my favorite people down here. And some much needed love and hugs.
Person of the day: No not one, all the beautiful people I've meet during my travels.
Heart: broken, cardefully huged by lovely friends. broken again and missing you Zhe. Way to much!
Nightmare: I got back together again with Zhe and once again - woke up to reality.
So as I got searched and went finally let out of my hand cuffs (which are made out of plastic strapps), I was led into a huge industry hall. And there they were. I couldn't believe it. I've heard about them but didn't think the roumers were true - but they were. 2.4 x 2.4 x 5 m. Cage. Caged. Prision in its original meaning. I felt like a ferret, trapped. Never really thought about how much freedom meant ot me but all the sudden it was the only thing anyone of us could think about.
Woman and men were keeped seperat, about 10 in each cage (we were eleven). The interier consisted of two benches strapped to the "walls", three isolating matts (very much needed cause of the freezing concrete floor) and after a while we even got thin blankets. Oh, the joy in little favors! And the all important water bottles. At first we screamed, "let us out!" and all sorts of chants from the demonstration ("Hit the Production - demo") The silence came. Or well, it was never silent but I was exhasted and fell asleep. Waking up to realise that the nightmare was infact true. Feeling the bars undernieth with my fingers.
Then rage hit the room. We went mad. Crying out "No Juctic, No peace - Fuck the Police", "ACAB - All Cops Are Bastards", "Climate Justice Now!". Baning the walls with out water bottles, screaming madly. I guess we were about 270 people in that hall so the noise was deafening. Some of the cops wore ear protection grear along with their batons. Across from us was one of the few cages on our side of the hall with men in it. They started jumping around, dancing, not hitting the walls but singing but soon got stopped by the Riot Police who stormed the cage and made them stand up against the walls, legs apart for another search.
The cages had during the previous night gotten quite a rough treatment from the inmates and the doors were now reinforced with wood. Which was great for us, cause they made heaps more noise if one hit them. At first I was kinda scared, tried to "just" scream and hit my bottle against the bars. But I got, just as everyone else, caught up in the rage and soon pushed agains the door. The police couldn't keep track on us all. We had passed the point of rage and were now on the level of pure instinct, "let us out!" and of course the question on all of our mindes - "what have we done!?"
All the sudden I was laying flat on my back, in the middle of the corridor and stunned policemen all around me. Ha! I'd, "accidently", busted the door which was now - with a massive bang - on the floor benieth me. I paniced. Didn't know what to do, shit!! So I chickened out, knew I'd never make it passed the guards and ran into my cage to hid beind the other woman who were all laughing their asses of at the Police.
Soundtrack: Our chants and hitting those bars.
more about what happened later in "Pepper Spray"
Hitching: From mum in Småland to a skipper in Hamlstad for a sweet night of chatting and today --> hitting Göteborg and (almost) all of my favorite people down here. And some much needed love and hugs.
Person of the day: No not one, all the beautiful people I've meet during my travels.
Heart: broken, cardefully huged by lovely friends. broken again and missing you Zhe. Way to much!
Nightmare: I got back together again with Zhe and once again - woke up to reality.
Peacefully walking along at the "Hit the Production" demonstration in Copenhagen on the 13 December 2009, (against capitalism and for the environment - Climate Justice Now!) the Police sorrounded us after about half an hour. It was as if they were already in place, ready to take us in. We'd done nothing. We weren't gonna do anything!
"A - Anti - Anti-Capitalista"
Scared, we found ourselves trapped. With no where to go. A countdown started on "our side" and all the sudden everyone ran towards the cops to push up against them. Which - needless to say - to pissed off royaly and they, in return, forced us back together. They wanted us to sit down, but there was no physical room for us to obey. No space. It didn't matter to them though. They hit a girl next to me in the head with a baton even though her arms were in the air, just like mine.
Actually, the videos will tell you a lot more then my writings. Just check them out if you wanna know what happened.
I managed to take a couple of pictures before everything turned into one big mess. More pictures shot by other can be found here 1 (check out their photo slide), 2 (real good slideshow of what happened!), 3 or look it up on your own at modkraft.dk, icop15.org, indymedia.org, video 1, video 2, BEST!! video 3, video 4, video 5, More links and videos.
Soundtrack: Our chants.
Hitching: Surprised mum by hitching to her place the day before yesterday and am gonna move on tomorrow probably. Loving to road, again. Ha, my true home? Yeah. Even though its below zero at the moment.
Heart: Tying to pick up the pieces, seems like some of them are missing though. Watch out where you put your feet, you might walk all over me again.
Nightmare: Define Nightmare? I had an absolute wonderful dream and woke up with a smile thinking I was on the ferry to go see Zhe, that hen had said "sorry, for everything. I want you back, wont you come and spend new years eve with me?". Wasn't all great when I realised that it had all been just in my little head. Humpf.
More about what happened in "The Climate Cage" and "Pepper Spray" which I'll post later on.
Did I mention that Neil Gaiman is my favorite author?
Thanks a bunch, Mr. Hiphoper for brightening up my day by sending me this link.
Person of the day: Actually two, Hiphoper and Neil Gaiman.
Soundtrack: Hopefully the silence and attention in your head.
Nightmare: Nope. None that I can remember.
Heart: Lost some where, I guess you could say on an Island.I can't even begin to describe the feeling as they finally came on stage. We were all stunned. Moved to tears and the only thing I could feel or at least phrase was "Thank you". The utter and complete feeling of gratefulness. So Thank you, Massive Attack! You were absolutely brilliant! Pure Love.
Still not celebrating Christmas with a merry bunch of queer friends, hanging out for about four days or so. Sweet.Vegan food, games, movies, sauna...
Heart: Gosh, wounds do heal with time and time means forgives. My heart is still very much broken but I'm not as angry anymore and I have a hard time remembering why we parted at all, or I do know its just that I've sorta... Oh, I don't know. I've started to dream again, about Zhe. That it would in some magic way be all sweet and cute once more. Bullocks. But Zhe hasn't been contacting me at all even though hen's FB status is still screaming that he misses me. Why doesn't he just call? Yeah, that's right. No cell. Mail? Gah, gotta start getting over this shit. Gotta stop dreaming and hoping for stuff that will just never happen anyways. Fuck it. Bullocks.
Still Dreaming.
Soundtrack: Do I even have to mention this one? Massive Attack!! And thanks mum for coming along with me, I had a great time!
Person of the day: Mum who I got to share this massive experience with!
My own videos!!
Interia Creeps
Can you imagine - 100.000?? Massive!
Sadly the police went in and arrested a lot of demonstrants way back in the line. I didn't even find out until later. A couple of hundred innocent people were forced to sot on the ground for 4 hours while the temperature was well below zero. They weren't allowed to go to the bathroom so two of them even pissed themselfs. Basically, it was torture. I'm not gonna focus on that in this post, maybe later on. If you wanna read more about it you can find more on motkraft.net, motkraft.dk, climate-justice-now.org, dn.se and so on. There's heaps.
Nightmares: Hmm, no but uneasy sleeping and lots of dreams. Talked in my sleep too and woke up the person next to me. Ooops.
Heart: Trying to hard to make it numb, be a busy bee but the it all the sudden hits me again. The next anoying love song is in my head at the moment, "Unbreak my heart". Humpf... So I guess, unbreak my heart Zhe. Will you? Gosh, hen doesn't even read my blog anyways. Maybe that's a good thing. Right about now.
Non-Christmas: So sweet. Someone came up with the cute name "FUAC" Friends United Against Christmas. Yay! Queer vegan bubble of love down here. Sadly the snow has melted again. So no snowball fight this time. Or at least today.
Green: Discussing a lot of green issues down here and trying to get over my "Fuck the idiot bloody world - we're all gonna die"-"depression". We'll make it there. Or at least I hope to learn how to be more patience.
Pictures: I took them and heaps more at the demonstration.
If you wanna know more about it then check out the Climate Justice Action (info action guide) homepage.
Or just your new paper, there's bout to be something in there about
- "Global Action Day 12th Dec 2009".
Read more about my adventures in Copenhagen in these posts; "Arrested at "Hit the Production" - demonstartion", "The Climate Cage" and "Pepper Spray".
Read more about my adventures in Copenhagen in these posts; "Arrested at "Hit the Production" - demonstartion", "The Climate Cage" and "Pepper Spray".
These are my own three videos:
Then some more that I found on the net:
I consider my friends as family but at Christmas time they all suddenly get a family, relatives that want to hang out with them as cause they have the same last name/blood line/background they need to spend it together even though most of my friends hate it and would love to just not bother.
This year seems to have a real good potential. I randomly ran into (after txt with one of them) some real sweet queer people at the big ass demonstration in Copenhagen (12/12-09) and got invited (to my surprise) to their Non Christmas gathering. Yay! So I be hitched downward and am spending some queer time, hopefully licking my wounds, down wards in the country.
Picture: There's a tree in front of our apartment building which ok, it looks rather nice with all the lights and real (!) snow but come on!! Do you really have to cut down a perfectly good and innocent tree where there are just as good fake alternatives? The second picture is of course how I feel and randomly found on the net.
Heart: Still broken. Zhe wrote that hen missed me on Facebook. Had lost hens cell though which means I don't have to hope, in vain, that it will all the sudden have a picture of Zhe across the display. Even though I secretly want it more then anything. The naive part of me wants nothing more then have hen unbreak my heart.
Secret: Has got rolyaly majorly messed up hair. You'll never guess what happened! No, I'm celebate.
Picture: There's a tree in front of our apartment building which ok, it looks rather nice with all the lights and real (!) snow but come on!! Do you really have to cut down a perfectly good and innocent tree where there are just as good fake alternatives? The second picture is of course how I feel and randomly found on the net.
Heart: Still broken. Zhe wrote that hen missed me on Facebook. Had lost hens cell though which means I don't have to hope, in vain, that it will all the sudden have a picture of Zhe across the display. Even though I secretly want it more then anything. The naive part of me wants nothing more then have hen unbreak my heart.
Secret: Has got rolyaly majorly messed up hair. You'll never guess what happened! No, I'm celebate.
Soundtrack: Wham - Last Christmas
In the Winter Wonder Land of Sweden I decided that it was finally time for me to say hi, get some much needed hugs and love by some of my favorite people. I'd already decided this before everything went to pieces with Zhe again but gosh, then I knew I really had to get out of there. So back on the road. Only problem? Its below zero outside.
So notes to self and other who plan on hitching during wintertime when there's heaps of snow (these are an add on to the normal hitching advice I've blogged about here):
- Get lots and lots of lights and reflectors - try and look as a much as a Christmas tree as you can! You'll end up registered as road kill if you don't - as soon as its dark (which happens at 3 PM in Sweden) no one can see you at the side of the road.
- Bring a flashlight that you can flash at cars, this will also help them to see you if you get stuck somewhere.
- Needles to say, lots of warm clothes. You're gonna need to be able to change too, when you start sweating or they get wet form the snow.
- Always bring food, water and a dehydration tabbs.
- Have a friend keep track on your whereabouts standing on guard if something would go wrong or if you're not txting hen for a while.
- In summer time, find a good spot and keep it for about half an hour. Winter? No, keep moving. Don't stick around until your frozen through and trough. Even though this means giving up a good spot, you can always return to it.
- In summer, every distance is a good distance. In winter hitching, you'll need to ask them more specifically what place their are gonna drop you of at. Try and stick to main roads and know where you're next gas station (for warmth!) is located.
- Bring smiles, lots of smiles! As always. You'll need them when it gets dark.
- Make your hat look as natural as possible or not wear one at all, remember the rule of "nothing on your head" from summer time hitching.
- And most important of them all - make sure to check the weather if there's a blizzard heading our way!
Oh, and remember. Even if the cars can see you, there's theoretically space enough for them to pick you up, there's heaps of ice and snow covering the side of the road so a lot more people will think "nah, its to dangerous.".
Got picked up by Trix at one point which was heaps of fun! They hardly remembered me but I sure remembered them form their shows and a couple of larps/parties/mutual friends and of course Facebook. Thx heaps guys! Good company, nice stories and in the middle of it all a surprise visit at one of the guys cute dates so they could sing a Christmas carol for her. Haha! You were the best ride of the day!
Or hmm, maybe that was the couple who drove passed me on the highway at 7 PM, turned their car at the next possible exit to drive back and pick me up. Then they also decided to make a d-tour to let me out in Göteborg - yay!! I honestly don't know what I would have done if they hadn't picked me up, I was so close to giving up but I had no alternative either. Give up to what? Good part about hitching on big roads in the dark though, admitting and sharing a rather embarrassing secret here, is that you can scream, sing and cry as much as you want. No one will hear you. Which was exactly what i did. Comes in handy when another one of those "heart broken" feelings come along and turn your insides out.
Nightmare: Heaps of small weird ones. But it was so nice to sleep beside a good friend though. Thx, Elecroby.
Picture: Random internet.
Soundtrack: "Du måste finnas" - Helena Sjöholm
A beautiful song but WAY to religious for me (and no, I still don't believe in God), but for some reason I started singing it at the top of my lugns while hitching yesterday.
.jpg)
This year has to be some sort of record. I've seen stuff, visited places that I'd never even dreamed of. Meet people who've taught me valuable lessens when I needed them the most. And I guess that includes the once I'd rather been without. The break ups. Cause gosh, there's been heaps. Remember Spikey? It must have been about three break up attempts with him (He being the one going back and forth.). Then the big summer lash out with Cat (I'd been/(am?) in love with hen since January 2008 (?)), nope I'm not over that one yet. And as I got back to Sweden, well... It never got even close to what we had before. We got off on the wrong foot. I still love hen though, heaps. Actually way to much. But its not gonna work. And then Zhe, in and out. Back and forth. Six bloody break up txt's from him!! WFT?! And I took him back, time after time. I caved. But that is defiantly it. I can't take anymore. I don't wanna have my little heart broken once more this year, come on! That's not to much to wish for is it? It's not even two weeks left of 2009? Pretty please? But don't say hi till its over.
And what do I wish for next year? Gosh, anything but Love! I always wish for anything else but love though. But I know I wanna get back on the road again, after summer time is up here in Sweden are my current plans. Hopefully hitting Asia. But heck, my plans always change. So I guess I wish I could stick to this one, cause its gonna take a lot of work and be a real hard one. I've got a mission over there, I need to find out some things about myself that I know I can only do when I'm there. (Don't ask me how I know, I just do).
Happy New Years?! Well, I guess not yet. Its still about two weeks to go.
Green: I'm still to pissed off at this non deal to actually deal. Bullocks!
Nightmare: Yes, more then one but its not as severe anymore. Maybe a 4.5 on the Richter scale.
Soundtrack: Yann Tiersen
Gosh, I wrote this whole post yesterday morning. I was on top of my game, checking out the sunrise and gotten a cute txt from Zhe during the night. And now? I don't know. I feel numb. Covered with snow. Like the one that is falling outside my window.
"I guess I have to confess, I didn't realise how much I've missed this. But gosh, when the entire world is covered in white snow its so beautiful. Its been so long since I've seen actual snow, having summer time last winter - down under in New Zealand. If one doesn't think that seeing the great (but very much melting) fox glacier that is. (or didn't I see the one next to Fox?)
So last night I went out with a mate who'd just gotten back from Denmark and we took out our rage with a sweet snowball fight. Even though it ended up more with us rolling around in the light powder, me getting cowered from top til toe and all wet. Ok, that's it. I really need to get some winter clothes!!
And the snow brought even more goodies =). A friend of mine missed his connection due to our snow covered trains and "had to" spend the night at my place wich resulted in lots of catching up, gosh how I've missed all you sweet ones from Göteborg! Each and everyone has a little piece of my heart. And as I woke up this morning i got to enjoy the winter wonder land of Sweden complete with sunrise and a txt from Zhe (yesterday was once again filled with "Silent treatment") filled with love.
Picture: Taken this morning outside of the office.
Nightmare's: None!!! Yay!! And I've got the snow storm to thank for that - and you of course, sweet Mr. Dreads."
A few hours later everything fell apart again. And now, in the light of day I still don't know what to think or what to do. Well maybe more Kate Bush, more writing and crafting might make my head focus on something else then that huge hole that's right in the middle of my chest. Bullocks, what to do when we're both still in love?
Green: No, seriously!! The non deal that they signed at COP15 yesterday doesn't even seem to be worth the paper its written on. Ha! What happened about nature? The environment? You know, the air you breath and ground you walk upon? Nope. I guess they don't care. The one thing which really puzzles me is how people that are so concentrated on getting children and making a family can totally ignore their grandchildren's future.
Nightmare: Yes, plenty. Chaotic night.
Soundtrack: Even more Kate Bush. Actually first time I really check her out so I've got quite a lot of catching up to do.
So last night I went out with a mate who'd just gotten back from Denmark and we took out our rage with a sweet snowball fight. Even though it ended up more with us rolling around in the light powder, me getting cowered from top til toe and all wet. Ok, that's it. I really need to get some winter clothes!!
And the snow brought even more goodies =). A friend of mine missed his connection due to our snow covered trains and "had to" spend the night at my place wich resulted in lots of catching up, gosh how I've missed all you sweet ones from Göteborg! Each and everyone has a little piece of my heart. And as I woke up this morning i got to enjoy the winter wonder land of Sweden complete with sunrise and a txt from Zhe (yesterday was once again filled with "Silent treatment") filled with love.
Picture: Taken this morning outside of the office.
Nightmare's: None!!! Yay!! And I've got the snow storm to thank for that - and you of course, sweet Mr. Dreads."
A few hours later everything fell apart again. And now, in the light of day I still don't know what to think or what to do. Well maybe more Kate Bush, more writing and crafting might make my head focus on something else then that huge hole that's right in the middle of my chest. Bullocks, what to do when we're both still in love?
Green: No, seriously!! The non deal that they signed at COP15 yesterday doesn't even seem to be worth the paper its written on. Ha! What happened about nature? The environment? You know, the air you breath and ground you walk upon? Nope. I guess they don't care. The one thing which really puzzles me is how people that are so concentrated on getting children and making a family can totally ignore their grandchildren's future.
Nightmare: Yes, plenty. Chaotic night.
Soundtrack: Even more Kate Bush. Actually first time I really check her out so I've got quite a lot of catching up to do.
A thirteen year old girl is sulking inside me with a pink top on and headphones filled with love songs.
"Its so not fair... How could this happen?"
The goth doesn't have to be asked twice,
"Well, what did you expect? That you were gonna live happily ever after?"
The Pink teenie looks down on her little doodles which mostly consists of hearts and marks a huge cut in one of them, "Well, not for ever but at least for a while? But for gods sake, can't we just be happy together? When we're both still madly in love?" She says and tries to erase the lines that mark that her little heart is broken.
The Goth, kindly for once, replies,
"Yeah, I'm with you there babe. Silly. Still, its my duty as the bad one floating around in her head to put the whole thing down. Besides its real poetic don't you think, having this huge ocean come between two people who do really love each other?"
Pretending to see the ocean and a little candle on the other shore marking her loves whereabouts, the Pink teenie answers,
"So you really think that it would be all peachy if they juts lived on the same island? Nah. If its love, true love, then it doesn't matter where you are or how often you meet each other. And its 2009 (almost 2010) we've got phones, internet and the ever so adorable txt messages. And even though there's this huge ocean its only a three hour boat trip and its still in the same country even."
As I clear my head and try to breath I end up feeling numb. I hate the way Zhe is treating me although I know he really doesn't mean to. Not on purpose. It doesn't matter in the end though, does it? Cause I still end up hurting. Like hell. When I look myself in the mirror, the reflection of how he sees me when we're not together... - I crumble. Is that me? No. I'm sorry. Which always leads to one of two things, either my self consciousness drops down below zero or I try to call Zhe. And in both cases, guess what? I lose. Cause Zhe wont answer, thinking I'm that girl in the mirror and if I am, gosh... Then I really do understand his silence. Hmm, did that make sense to anyone else but me?
And once again, its time. Heck, its been about two or three weeks since the last break up txt? And afterwards he promised ever so dearly never to do that again but to talk to me? But he did. And refused, just like always, to talk to me. At last he finally called however. Gosh, I really don't mean to make him sound like the bad one. We both are, just as always. Just let me finish my little heart broken story and you'll know that I'm very aware of both of our sides (or hope to be). Or rather, no. I wont get into details. Lets just cut the chase, communication break down. Again. As Always.
Sadly, even though we talked for an hour, hos phone went flat and we'd still gotten no where. Well. I know I can't get on that merry-go-around once more. I can't. I'm just gonna end up hurting myself if I do. And he feels the same way. But we both still are very much in love, so what to do? Wait and hope that it will pass? That we'll get over it? Hope that next year will bring better luck? Hope that we'll get back together one sweet day? Frankly, I don't know. Just that I love him. And I wish I didn't, but I do.
So freshly out of the sauna, with massive amounts of love from people everywhere (oh, I'm so forever grateful for all your warm support - you know who you are) I'll listen to one of the songs that was sent to me again, and again before falling asleep.
Picture: Random cute hit on internet.
No more climate topic for the day, I'm way to pissed of at the COP15 atm.
Soundtrack: Kate Bush - This woman's work (Lyrics)
Kate Bush - Lily (Lyrics)
But how the Fuck can it fail? How the fuck can they be so fuckin' stupid and not see that we're on the verge of a serious climate catastrophe? That for some of us, the shit has already hit the fan!! (Example 1, 2, 3) WTF?? (For those of you who don't know what COP15 is I advice you to check out the previous post where there's links to handy sites that will explain everything.) How can educated (?) politicians not see what everyone knows, we're in deep shit and its time to make amens. I'm so sick of this shit. Checking out the news and giving up hope. Fuck them, fuck them all.
Last update I heard was that Obama and Hillary Clinton were finally in place but The States said (in an ever so childish way) that they're only gonna sign a deal if China is. And they of course very well know that China never will. But really, there isn't even a deal! None to talk about anyways!
Just read another mail from Climate Justice Action (one of the organisations in Copenhagen during COP15) and I just couldn't have said it better. So I'm gonna be all (non)sneaky and a thieve for that matter. Posting it right here. And if you're in Copenhagen, do join in on the Demo!! Everyone is needed.
"The cop 15 comes to an end - and it has not coped with what politicians promised. There is no treaty that might preserve us from the catastrophic consequences of runaway climate change. The summit's agenda didn't even include real solutions to the climate crisis - such as tackling economic growth, leaving fossile fuels in the ground and implementing food souverainity. Neither has it adressed the ecological debt the global north has with the south or measures for a just transition towards a low carbon economy and society.
Delegates from the civil society have been excluded from the process, some of them beaten up by the police when trying to join the peoples assembly for climate justice outside the Bella Center.
Demonstrations have been cattled, attacked with tear-gas, pepper-spray and batons, more than 1.500 climate activists have been arrested over the past two weeks. Some of them are still in jail - those and others, including spokespeople for climate justice action are now facing trials for taking a role in our common struggle for climate justice.
We neither accept the results of this summit nor the repression our friends and comrades are facing - and that is why we will be on the streets again on friday (18th dec):
peaceful solidarity march from Israels Place near Norreport station (15:00) to Slodsplads (Christiansborg)
Join in and bring your friends along!"
Soundtrack: Ayo - Down on my knees
Last update I heard was that Obama and Hillary Clinton were finally in place but The States said (in an ever so childish way) that they're only gonna sign a deal if China is. And they of course very well know that China never will. But really, there isn't even a deal! None to talk about anyways!
Just read another mail from Climate Justice Action (one of the organisations in Copenhagen during COP15) and I just couldn't have said it better. So I'm gonna be all (non)sneaky and a thieve for that matter. Posting it right here. And if you're in Copenhagen, do join in on the Demo!! Everyone is needed.
"The cop 15 comes to an end - and it has not coped with what politicians promised. There is no treaty that might preserve us from the catastrophic consequences of runaway climate change. The summit's agenda didn't even include real solutions to the climate crisis - such as tackling economic growth, leaving fossile fuels in the ground and implementing food souverainity. Neither has it adressed the ecological debt the global north has with the south or measures for a just transition towards a low carbon economy and society.
Delegates from the civil society have been excluded from the process, some of them beaten up by the police when trying to join the peoples assembly for climate justice outside the Bella Center.
Demonstrations have been cattled, attacked with tear-gas, pepper-spray and batons, more than 1.500 climate activists have been arrested over the past two weeks. Some of them are still in jail - those and others, including spokespeople for climate justice action are now facing trials for taking a role in our common struggle for climate justice.
We neither accept the results of this summit nor the repression our friends and comrades are facing - and that is why we will be on the streets again on friday (18th dec):
peaceful solidarity march from Israels Place near Norreport station (15:00) to Slodsplads (Christiansborg)
Join in and bring your friends along!"
Soundtrack: Ayo - Down on my knees
Mr. Harrison
"To calm people with pepper spray is just as effective as trying to calm a cat by shoving custard down its anus"
"Before this, (COP15 - Climate Change Meeting in Copenhagen) I had respect for the police. Or rather, I was naive and afraid of them. And of course they still scare me - probably more now then ever - but now I wont think fuckin' twice about going up against them again. Those bastards diverse everything they can bloody handle AND get custard shoved down their anus on top of that."
Mr. Harrison
"I don't care about climate justice anymore, please just give us normal justice!"
Person of the Day: Mr. Harrison
Nightmare status: Richter scale: 7. One that I clearly remember where I got arrested again, brutally. Managed to send a txt to Zhe before though and said that I'm not gonna make my train back home. When I woke up next morning I noticed that I really did send him that txt in the middle of the night.
Todays Homepage is for those who still don't know what COP15 is all about and don't have the guts to ask someone about it.
COP15 for Dummies
And the slightly more serious one:
Copenhagen for dummies: The five major stakes of the summit
Climate Video of the Day:
From "Hit the Production" Demonstration I attended at Sunday and got to spend time in the so called Climate Cages in custody. You can even see me, I've got a red backpack on my tummy walking towards the bus escorted by the Police.
Soundtrack: Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the name of
"To calm people with pepper spray is just as effective as trying to calm a cat by shoving custard down its anus"
"Before this, (COP15 - Climate Change Meeting in Copenhagen) I had respect for the police. Or rather, I was naive and afraid of them. And of course they still scare me - probably more now then ever - but now I wont think fuckin' twice about going up against them again. Those bastards diverse everything they can bloody handle AND get custard shoved down their anus on top of that."
Mr. Harrison
"I don't care about climate justice anymore, please just give us normal justice!"
Person of the Day: Mr. Harrison
Nightmare status: Richter scale: 7. One that I clearly remember where I got arrested again, brutally. Managed to send a txt to Zhe before though and said that I'm not gonna make my train back home. When I woke up next morning I noticed that I really did send him that txt in the middle of the night.
Todays Homepage is for those who still don't know what COP15 is all about and don't have the guts to ask someone about it.
COP15 for Dummies
And the slightly more serious one:
Copenhagen for dummies: The five major stakes of the summit
Climate Video of the Day:
From "Hit the Production" Demonstration I attended at Sunday and got to spend time in the so called Climate Cages in custody. You can even see me, I've got a red backpack on my tummy walking towards the bus escorted by the Police.
Soundtrack: Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the name of
Hey, so here's a really cool new idea! Ha, its new for me at least. Of course I knew that google made heaps of money by me clicking on their links but I didn't really think about what actually happens when I hit the button. Of all the power (non-green) that feed the servers all over the world to give me, little me, an answer. My mum posted this on her Facebook and I checked it out. Cool! So I reposted it on my page and got a totally different response.
A: "The basic idea of generating revenue to buy rainforest is good but there is some manipulation (read: extravagant lies) in the video hidden under a comfortable blanket of "some say that...""
B: "It actually makes me think, what is WWF doing with the money? How more money can save more rainforests? They pay people not to cut them down or what?"
Me: "probably something like that, frankly I don't really care. The fact That the money goes to something/someone else then the big guys in suits is more then enough for me. The fact that it is used to "save the forest" is more then enough for me. I'm kinda tired of the whole "but don't you know that they are frauds too?" argument. Cause even if they are, they at least made us all think and made us spread out our money somewhat. Good enough for me."
B: "That might be creating a bigger problem for the future."
Me: "your point being? it might be a bigger problem that the forest is still standing no matter how or what made it happen or that its a good enough reason for me to use that search engine even though I actually can't check out the big bad facts behind ecosia's nice front page?"
C: "WWF is trying to (with money) to create a network of protected areas (for example rainforests). More to read at http://www.panda.org/what_we_do/where_we_work/borneo_forests/"
B: "That's what I wanted to hear - what are they actually doing with the money - creating a network of protected areas makes sense. Otherwise it goes as "Ok, give us money. More money. I said, MORE MONEY!", which does not bring saving wildlife anywhere."
Me: "well, actually. I reccon its a lot better giving organisations like WWF money then google any day, even though I might not actually know what its used for. Cause I know what the money the big guys (oh, I'm not only talking about google here) goes to - bigger cars, more meat in their food and better silicon implants. You know what? No thanks. Its even good enough for me if WWF wants to buy their 10AM eco coffee fo each time I use ecosia. Ha. Its good enough for me."

Ok, so I might have been a bit harsh there at the end but seriously. I'd rather WWF or some other green organisation owning huge amounts of rainforest then it simply being cut down. And gosh, yes! I'll still be using google on occasion. Besides I'm a huge gmail fan, I'm obviously using blogger, youtube and have recently discovered google chrome + google wave. But if using the ecosia link will get someone else some money and it is hopefully used in a green manner then, heck. I don't see the problem. What do you think?
Soundtrack: Michael Jackson - Man in the mirror
(Yeah, I've always loved him and might I add that he was a vegetarian?)
Hompage of the day: http://www.veggieboards.com/
Youtube of the day: Earthlings trailer (Download Earthlings the movie here)
"This is a meat free Kitchen" I heard myself proudly announce one late evening in front of my flatmates who weren't to impressed (or actually it was one of the boy friends of my flatmates who made the biggest face). Fuck, I could almost look at the tension in the room so I snook out. But crawled back the next day to apologise and explain.
You see, imagine yourself looking upon a corpse. A Human Corpse. Tell me how you feel. Focus. Look at it while I chop it up into small pieces, blood "accidentally" getting on your shirt and a not to pleasant smell starts to spread through out the room. While we walk over to the kitchen sink, hey you sill with me?, I grab the frying pan and grease it up real good. Now, Imagine the faint, at first, scent of human flesh fill the air. And you probably already know, I'm not the best chef, so sadly the freshly cut piece of meat gets rather burned on one side. According to survivors of the Holocaust its suppose to be a very sweet smell that penetrates everything and clings on to your hair even after a couple of showers. Sill paying attention? Now for the good part - watching someone actually sink their teeth into the cadaver.
Now you maybe got some idea of what if feels like when I think of you eating animals. And I see NO reason for this to happen at our flat where all three of us are vegetarians (I'm a vegan (youtube/wiki)). So NO. I could have had a bit more diplomatic approach the first time the discussion came up but I don't see the point in cooking up animal meat at the flat, no one who pays rent here is gonna eat it. Besides those who still eat corpses will survive one meal without, I'm living proof of that.
So I'll still say - Meat Free Kitchen.
Soundtrack : Bush - Out of this world (+ Lyrics)
Homepage of the day: http://www.goveg.com/
Youtube of the day: "10 reasons why I wont date a meat-eater"
Youtube: Raise your voice - COP15
Inspiration: Wow, check this guy out! I've thought about this for more then a few times. Leaving this world behind and going for the essentials in life. Heck, we'll see what happens ey? Cause one happy day I might be the one in a trailer in India, living the Real Green Life. Until then I'll keep on reading about this guy (and go demonstrating in at the Climate Meeting in Copenhagen).
Soundtrack: Rainforests pitter patter on my mind.
Special person of the day: Fiffi - for being the coolest vegan of them all!
Youtube of the day:
JOIN the FLOOD, Copenhagen Flood December 12 2009 COP15 UNFCCC
Got a place to stay, a mission and a heart to follow. The big climate change meeting in Copenhagen is gonna be huge. Massive in fact. I recently go the question of why I'm demonstrating;
A: "Explain to me why you are protesting. They aren't doing enough or they aren't doing the right thing?"
Me: "Both actually. They aren't doing enough by a long shot and they are - once again - nick nacking about the wrong issues. Sure, Power/transportation/flight/industry are huge climate villains but there is a whole lot more to it. For example, one of the biggest issues as I've said many times before - meat.
And they really, everyone really, have to know and realise that the climate protests in Copenhagen this weekend isn't just cause its cool to be a part of some big (ok, huge) demonstration - its cause its bloody important that we all open our eyes and hearts for the big changes ahead."
A: "So, somewhere in their is praise for the work that they are actually doing, with the power/transportation/flight/industry issues? But you wish to inform them that they need to do more?
While I believe you are sincere, considering the _vastly_ different reasons different people tell me about why they go to this protest (or similar climatic-themed ones), I still think it's generally a tourist-protesting festival."
Me: "I get what you mean but nah. I don't think so. And frankly, it doesn't matter if it is to some people. We need everyone there, no matter what reason they'd like to be there or not. Even as tourists. We need everyone.
If the numbers are right the big as demonstration is gonna hit somewhere between 30 000 to 50 000 people. (reading the news papers today). And deep inside, no matter how naive, there is a voice that says that with these amounts of activists in one spot have to mean something. Have to make some sort of difference. Maybe not to the big people in suits sitting on the actual meeting but the people at home, drinking their tea. They might notice that we've actually got quite the climate problem here on earth and think twice before buying dinner next time. And that's enough for me. Can't have to big hopes, can I?"
I also have to figure out a way to not look like me. TCDG said that anarchists will probably be stopped at the border. Fuck. Uhm. So I need to dress up as an innocent girl? Ok. That could be quite the challenge. I've got either the Anarchist, the queer dyke or the hippie look going for me in my closet. Well, I guess its time to start digging deeper.
So what is COP15 anyways?
"Welcome to Denmark and the city of Copenhagen! We have the pleasure of hosting the 15th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) taking place at Bella Center in Copenhagen from the 7th to the 18th of December, 2009."
Who will attend COP15?
Several thousand delegates from the192 countries that have signed the United Nations Framework Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC) will be attending COP15 in Copenhagen this year. These will include heads of state, ministers, senior government officials, and several observer organizations.
When was the first COP meeting?
The first such conference was held in 1995 in Berlin. It was marked by uncertainty as to the resources the individual participating countries possessed to combat greenhouse gas emissions. This resulted in “The Berlin Mandate", which set a two-year analysis and evaluation phase. This phase resulted in a catalog of measures nations could take to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Member countries could use this catalog to compose their own set of initiatives.
What is the Kyoto Protocol?
Perhaps the most famous outcome of a COP meeting to date was the agreement made in Kyoto, Japan at COP3 in 1997. At this conference, the Kyoto Protocol was adopted. This was the first agreement to introduce binding targets for greenhouse gas emissions in 37 industrialized countries from 2008 to 2012. On February 16, 2005 it came into force but several of the UNFCCC never agreed to it and do not acknowledge its requirements regarding emissions — most notably the USA.
What was decided at the last COP meeting?
The biggest recent decision was the Bali Action Plan that came from COP13 in 2007. At that meeting, all UNFCCC countries concurred that an agreement is needed based on a long-term shared vision and four building blocks:
Increased mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
Adaptation to climate change
Technology transfers and development
What will be discussed at COP15?
Even though there is agreement among the parties behind the UNFCCC that a shared vision should be drawn up to tackle climate change based on the four building blocks, after two years there is still disagreement as to exactly what this vision should include. Organizers will try to reach a global agreement in Copenhagen that will extend beyond the Kyoto agreement and be ratified by all 192 participating countries.
What if an agreement is not reached?
Deliberations will continue into their 18th year (official talks began in 1992) while climate change will continue to affect our planet.
Can I attend the conference?
The conference is only open to the official delegates and select members of the press. It is not open to the general public.
What can I do to ensure COP15 is a success?
Raise awareness and let the delegates know the world is watching. We can help. Go to My Green Pledge and tell the delegates and the rest of the 1.7 billion people on the Internet how you feel about climate change and about COP15. Then ask your friends to do the same.
Demonstrate. Talk. Act. Change your daily life not only for the week of COP15 but for a better future.
Person of the day: TCDG (The Cute Danish Guy) who I've blogged about before and who's sweet enough to let me crash at his place during my stay in Copenhagen. Thx, Hun!
Soundtrack: The silence before the storm. Soon.... Very Soon.
Youtube: Act now!!
And I am. I try to. And so should you. I can list fact after fact, which I will anyways but the problem isn't that people don't know that its serious. Its that they don't want to understand. The internet provides us with all kinds of information we want, from reliable sources, that the environment is in trouble but people just don't seem to care. So I opened my eyes again, after letting them rest for a couple of days and grab the next possible weapon. You want war? I'll give you war.
Think Green, Act Now!!
Soundtrack: Ayo - Help is coming
Person of the day: The main guy that interviewed (they were four in total) me today, a real job interview. At a place I actually wanna work, for real. And made a huge effort in applying too. Gosh, keeping all fingers crossed. I guess, now its up to them. I gave it my bes shot anyways.
Homepage of the day: Fresh Air
Youtube of the day: Animal Agriculture: The facts
Think Green, Act Now!!
Soundtrack: Ayo - Help is coming
Person of the day: The main guy that interviewed (they were four in total) me today, a real job interview. At a place I actually wanna work, for real. And made a huge effort in applying too. Gosh, keeping all fingers crossed. I guess, now its up to them. I gave it my bes shot anyways.
Homepage of the day: Fresh Air
Youtube of the day: Animal Agriculture: The facts
It seems weird that I can't write, read or talk about the stuff that is most important to me. I run away from art. Don't wanna hit the galleries. Don't dare to produce. Can't talk about it and so on. It makes my skin crawl. Guess I'm scared of failing. Same thing happens when travelling comes up in conversation, or at least when people wanna go into a real conversation about it. When I wanna check out where I might head towards next time. I love larping but don't wanna think about it, can't handle making a larp or preparing. I guess I'm scared of failing.
And then there's the environment, the most important of them all. My biggest interest and the one "thing" that combines it all - Travel/Art/Larp. I'm constantly fighting (what can only be discribed as this huge war?) - to change the world. To get people to listen, stop violating the planet. Nature. Gosh, I even got it permanently fuckin' inked on my whole back - the HUGE tree. (If you haven't seen it yet, here's the link).
So why is it so hard to write about it? I feel like there should be heaps of blog posts that talk about veganism, animal abuse and COP15 right here on my little page/mind. But no. Why?
I haven't really figured out the art/travel/larp part but maybe this whole issue with the environment related stuff (heck, I don't even wanna read the news!) is, I guess, cause of a constant bad consciousness. That we, correction, that I should be able to do more. I get so consumed with all the shit that's going down that I can't handle my own chaos. I get involved, hurt and cry when I see what you, yes, you are doing to this world. So I close my eyes. I pull the covers over my head. I pretend that every things alright. I get that thing that is commonly known as "world consciousness" (världssamvete in Swedish) among activists, when I make all the issues in the world my own fault, my own responsibility. Even though I try hard to listen to the "words of wisdom" I keep on preaching to all of you; "If everyone would just take one little step we would be able to save the world".
COP15 is coming on, its already in session and this weekend I'm gonna join forces and demonstrate in Copenhagen at the climate meeting for a better environment. No, for the planet and its future. This time its not only the little pissed of angry girl that everyone sees when I talk about animal abuse, its real you guys. For fuck's sake... You can't keep ignoring this. If we wanna keep on having a future at all this is the time to change. Before its to late.
I can feel the rage pumping through my veins. Like I'm screaming at the top of my lung inside the parliament but all the men in nice suits keep on starring at the numbers in front of them. They all seem, you fuckin' all seem, to believe that the one who has the most/nicest stuff when we die wins. Well, I'll tell ya - that's not the way it works. Ok. Not everyone around me but way to many and gosh, just a fuckin' lot of people out there.
Its finally come to everyone's mind that yes, the environment is of some importance but hey - why should I, little me, do something different in my everyday life when no one else is? Cause you bloody well have to!! Breath. Come on, Breath. Cause tomorrow it might be to late. Seriously, is it so much to ask that you'd be a vegetarian every Monday (for example) if you can't handle living without meat? To much to ask that you turn off the light, kill the stand by stuff or commute instead of taking the car?
I don't even wanna begin talking about the facts n' numbers, I'm closing my eyes. You should know by now that meat, power and cars are doing to the environment. And if you don't... Nah, I'm to pissed of, to upset, to help you. Today. So let me crawl back into bed, pull the covers over my head and pretend - just for one minute - that we're all taking one step for a better future. Cause I'll tell ya, its not the men in suits that are gonna "save the planet". Its you and me, with our everyday choices. Talking into thin air, am I? You decide.
Soundtrack: Sigur Ros - Hoppipolla
Person of the day: My mum. You made this possible, going to Copenhagen. For teaching me to respect nature. + once more - Welcome to our beautiful family of veggies!
Youtube of the day: Please help the world - COP15 opening film (Even though I've seen better once I must say)